Home » today » News » Cyprus: New video from Avvakum Monastery with a large object being transported – 2024-03-16 21:25:43

Cyprus: New video from Avvakum Monastery with a large object being transported – 2024-03-16 21:25:43

Another video has seen the light of day and concerns the Monastery of Saint Avvakum in Fterikoudi in Cyprus and was recorded 12 days before the revelations with the “holy” myrrh and the beating of a woman.

Closed circuit images, which were secured and revealed by SIGMA, show two persons carrying an object towards the exit of the Monastery. It is about a monk and, as can be seen from the footage, also a woman.

Their movements and posture testify that they are carrying a rather heavy object. At some point, the white cloth, with which the object was covered, falls to the ground and the two people stop to hold it better so that it does not fall on them. They cross the paved road next to the chapel of the Monastery and disappear into the background.

Then and from a different shot, these 2 persons, always holding the heavy object, move forward, but at some point they lose their balance and by making an effort they find their pace again.

A minute later, again from a different closed-circuit shot, a vehicle is seen approaching the spot, as evidenced by its headlights. A few seconds later, the back of a black van-type vehicle can be seen reversing down the narrow alley.

The figure of a monk is recorded heading towards the spot where the vehicle was visible just a few seconds earlier. The monk walks quickly past the spot and disappears.

The van, which is concluded to have made a U-turn, reappears at 00:17 crossing the narrow alley of the Monastery and arrives very close to the chapel.

They wanted to cover the safe

As can be seen from the conversations that saw the light of day, on February 22 and when the above persons had realized that their actions had reached the ears of the Metropolitan, they wanted to preserve the safety of the safe at all costs.

In their stories, one day before the recording of the images we are watching, it is alleged that they wanted to dig in the ground, break down walls and then cover the safe with cupboards. In the ideas of Porphyrios and Nektarios was also the room of the latter’s mother, who lived on the grounds of the Monastery, in an accommodation located on a hill and in which the infamous safe with the large amount of money was reportedly finally found.

Testimonials – “I felt the need to donate”

Pisti will report in “You still haven’t seen anything” that due to a health problem she had to proceed with an extracorporeal procedure, however the Elder of the monastery reassured her.

“I currently have her… in my hands, because the child is pregnant. I had been to a doctor and he had told me that I have some health issue and I will not be able to have a child and that I will have to proceed with IVF. When I had talked to the Elder and when I had told him my concerns and my desire, he had said to me “my daughter, I tell you that you have no problem. Your baby is in the “Good Evening Lights”” and this was the phrase of the Elder to all the girls who wanted a child and did not succeed”.

As she will say, after 3 months she got pregnant. “A girl, who had a problem with her heart, she didn’t know it herself, and when the Cross of Saint Porphyry, when he crossed her and stuck to her heart, on her chest, she says “my daughter, here the cross shows that you have something or that you had something or that you are being cured”. The girl looked it up and she really had a heart problem and had to go into surgery.” All of the above made her feel the need to donate to the monastery.

“He wanted us to write the field to the Church for free”

Another testimony will mention the following: “I was watching him through the television and his various posts. We only had one phone call once. Through mutual acquaintances he found my phone number, he called me to ask me if I give my consent to give a field, which my father had together with cousins ​​and other relatives, to the Church”.

“Initially I understood that he or the monastery would like to buy the field, to use it for purposes, as he told me, to grow various herbs. From what I understood from the conversation, I understood that he wanted the field for free, to write it in the church for free.”

Regarding the donations of the faithful, he said that he has heard that some have given from 1,000 to 4,000 euros.

#Cyprus #video #Avvakum #Monastery #large #object #transported

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