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Cyprien returns to Balance Your YouTuber: “I had heard noises from the corridors”

In 2021, there have never been so many creators on YouTube. Every day, thousands of new people launch their channel and millions of new videos are posted on the platform. Enough to explode all the counters (views, subscribers, comments, likes …) and allow the concept of “YouTubers” to enter an ever more impressive dimension.

Where, a few years ago, it was easy to name the big creators of the platform in France, it is now impossible to count all the channels which have crossed the 100,000 or 1,000,000 subscriber mark. However, as is unfortunately the case everywhere else, this success story side offered by YouTube brings with it a hidden dark side as dangerous as it is worrying.

Cyprien relieved by the Libra Ton YouTubeur movement

As we recently discovered through the Libra Ton Youtubeur movement, many creators would not hesitate to take advantage of their fame and power to sexually harass / assault fans. A surprisingly still taboo subject in France – especially when compared to the MeToo movement in the USA, to which Cyprien returned.

Asked by The Parisian on these revelations, Cyprien Iov (who has never been accused of anything, we want to clarify!), admitted the existence of such a problem, “I had heard noises from the corridors, especially at Youtubers conventions.“Where the videographer does not seem in the best position to talk about it today, he who claims to be as much in the dark as the audience,”When it came out, I was like everyone else: I was wondering who?“, he admits all the same relieved to see such a problem finally being tackled.

Afterwards, if you ask me if it exists, I think so. Unscrupulous guys who abuse their power, there must be some among Youtubers, as in the cinema or in music“he confided, before adding then,”It is very good that it has been put on the table. It’s an opportunity to warn fans and tell them “be careful”.

A career that is moving away from YouTube

And if some people may regret not seeing Cyprien, who nevertheless considers himself “a dinosaur“of YouTube, not to take more advantage of its notoriety on the platform in order to alert on the subject, this can nevertheless be explained by the turn that his career has gradually taken.

Also with the Parisian, Cyprien has indeed confessed to having known how to develop his desires in order to constantly diversify, “When I look at my schedule, between video game production, comic strip scripts, short films, YouTube only takes up a small part of my time.

Also, despite his love for YouTube, he perhaps feels less legitimate to broach this subject than other creators who are much more present and active on the platform.

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