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Cymes directs asthmatics to take their corticosteroids

On Saturday March 14, health authorities announced that people who consume ibuprofen to fight the symptoms of Covid-19 should stop taking the drugs that contain it. Likewise, anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids worsen the effects of the coronavirus.

Except that millions of people consume these drugs for chronic diseases like asthma. Many of them have stopped their background therapy. “I have been alerted by allergists who are very concerned, because since ibuprofen and anti-inflammatory drugs were said to cause coronavirus disease to flare up, many asthmatics worried about whether to continue taking their treatment“, confirmed Michel Cymes on RTL Thursday, March 19.

“Of course : continue the corticosteroids you take for your asthma or for any other illness. Above all, don’t stop, “says the doctor.

It “nhas never been shown that taking inhaled corticosteroids is a severe risk factor, “published on Tuesday March 17 the French Federation of Allergology.” It is essential for asthmatic patients to continue to treat themselves so that their disease is controlled ” , insists the press release relayed by franceinfo.

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