Home » today » Business » Cycling. The B&B Hotels company extends its partnership with the team until 2023 – Cycling

Cycling. The B&B Hotels company extends its partnership with the team until 2023 – Cycling

The B & B Hotels p / b KTM team keeps its main sponsor: in a press release published on the training website, the hotel company, headquartered in Brest, announces that it is extending its commitment to cycling for one season. additional, i.e. until the end of 2023.

“The commitment of B & B Hotels was recorded for 2022 but this one-year extension is excellent news for the stability and continuity of our project”, rejoices Jérôme Pineau, the general manager, in this press release, which indicates also that its formation, created in 2018 under the name of Vital Concept, could now turn to a more international recruitment, with the ambition to reach the World Tour.

“Italy, Spain, the Netherlands and Germany are markets in which our partner is stepping up its activity and, if we already have in our ranks promising transalpine runners, including sprinter Luca Mozzato, he is strong. likely that we will have an even more international recruitment, in particular Germany. This will be one of our axes to continue to grow and eventually access the World Tour, the first division of world cycling. “

All the news of the B & B Hotels team

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