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Cycling buddy of seriously injured cyclist after tractor accident: ‘Was huge bad luck’

It was the first time that they went cycling again on Wednesday evening. Thanks to the summer time, that was possible again. But the first trip of LTC ‘t Groene Woud from Liempde took a dramatic turn. One of the members was seriously injured in an accident in Best. He ended up under a part of a tractor that broke off. It has a big impact on his cycling buddies.

When the cyclists cycled on the Oude Baan in Best around ten to seven on Wednesday evening, part of a passing tractor broke off. One of the cyclists ended up under the very heavy part, the front packer, and was seriously injured.

One of the victim’s cycling buddies describes the situation. They were cycling on a country road, the group had split in two. The front group drove towards a tractor with implements. “The tractor was very wide, so to make room for the cyclists, the driver of the tractor drove into the verge.” And then it went wrong, says the rider, who does not want to be named.

When the tractor drove into the verge, the so-called furrow packer came loose. It rolled towards the front cycling group. “A lot of riders in the back were still able to avoid the rolling implements, but the last rider couldn’t.”

He gets emotional when he talks about it. “It was very unlucky that we were cycling there just then. If that thing had broken down two seconds later, nothing would have happened. But if we had cycled in a large group, it might have been even worse,” he realizes.

The victim partly ended up under the heavy part. “We tried to lift it with about ten cyclists, but it was too heavy,” says the rider. “In the end we got so much movement in it that we got the victim’s legs out.”

The rider does not know how the accident could have happened. He wonders if the farmer will go free. “But the investigation is left to the police.” In any case, the greatest concern lies with the victim. It makes a lot of sense at the LTC ‘t Groene Woud association. “It still touches me even more,” says the club member, sobbing.

The club’s next tour is scheduled for next Sunday. Whether that will continue remains to be seen. “We still have to talk about that.”

Pictures from just after the accident:

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