Home » today » Business » Cycle “sonorous natures”: A short history of audio-naturalism | Galleries, Gardens, Zoo

Cycle “sonorous natures”: A short history of audio-naturalism | Galleries, Gardens, Zoo

By Juliette Volcler, independent researcher, author and sound producer
Presentation followed by a meeting with Adèle de Baudouin, doctoral student at the crossroads of ecoacoustics and electroacoustics (MNHN / Sorbonne University)

This short history of naturalistic sound recording offers, through a selection of creations, a review of 130 years of natural sound recording, from concerts of captive birds to attempts to preserve living things in all their biological and sound diversity. .
By listening – even by making – animal and landscape recordings, we may hope to find an escape from technical society, this environment that technology constantly creates around us. This would be forgetting, however, that these captures themselves have an extremely short history compared to that of their objects, and that they depend closely on the evolution of technologies, on our relationship to other animal species and to the environment. sound.
Developing today, to face the ruins of the Anthropocene, the idea of ​​a “phonocene”, that is to say of a fertile attention to the sounds of non-humans and the earth. This conference is part of the complicit desire to contribute to a culture of listening.

Saturday 11 December 2021 – 3 p.m. – Auditorium of the Grande Galerie de l’Évolution

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