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Cycle of activities: “Campaign against racism from 30 to 30” returns for its seventh edition

human rights, carabineros, racism, human rights, missing detainees, joanne florvil

human rights, carabineros, racism, human rights, missing detainees, joanne florvil

Posted on August 29, 2024

human rights, carabineros, racism, human rights, missing detainees, joanne florvil

human rights, carabineros, racism, human rights, missing detainees, joanne florvil

From August 30th to September 30th

This year, the “Campaign against racism from 30 to 30” returns for its seventh edition in Santiago. This annual initiative seeks to raise awareness, make visible and promote collective reflection on xenophobia and discrimination against racialized people in the country.

With the aim of declaring September 30 as the “Popular Day of Struggle against Racism in Chile”, various cultural activities, video screenings, discussions and the emblematic September 30 Pilgrimage will be held for a month in memory of Joanne Florvil, who died in Chile due to racism.

These activities aim to generate spaces for reflection and action against racism that has historically persisted, affecting both migrants and indigenous peoples. In addition, these initiatives will pay tribute to migrants detained and disappeared during the Chilean civil-military dictatorship; as well as to the victims of repression and those killed during the social unrest of 2019.

This cycle of activities takes place in a global context marked by the racist genocide of Israeli Zionism against the Palestinian people and in a Chile where systematic violence manifests itself in various forms against migrants and the Mapuche people. The campaign is essential to give visibility to these problems within Chilean society.

On August 31st, the first Cultural Act will be held in Santiago, at the Recoleta City Hall (Avenida Recoleta 2774, Metro Dorsal) starting at 3 pm. The event will feature theater, live rap music, videos and poetry. It marks the beginning of a month of activities, around reflection and action against racism in Chile.

Calendar of activities:

-Thursday, August 29, 18:00 – 20:00: Discussion “Let’s not ignore it any longer, forced disappearance was yesterday and today”, with Eduardo Cardoza (Migrant Action Movement), Claudia Yarur (Coordinator for Palestine in Chile) and Macarena Silva (Londres 38, memory space).

-Saturday, August 31, 10:00 – 13:00: Filming of a video dance based on the stories of women who resisted forced imprisonment in London 38. This initiative will culminate in an audiovisual creation.

-Saturday, August 31, 3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.: Artistic Cultural Event – “From 30 to 30: Month against racism in Chile” at the Recoleta Municipality, with the participation of the Migrant Articulation: MAM, CECT, London 38, Movement against torture Sebastián Acevedo, and the National Network of Migrant and Pro-migrant Organizations.

-Thursday, September 5, 18:00: Forum “Media and Hate Speech” with Patricio López (Radio Universidad de Chile), Richard Sandoval (Londres 38) and Rocío Alorda (College of Journalists). The event will take place within the framework of the Book Fair at the Recoleta Municipality.

-Saturday, September 7, 10:30 – 14:00: Monthly opening at Londres 38, with a visit from students from the University of Chile / PNB and a meeting of the Plaza de la Constitución Collective.

-Saturday, September 7, 10:30 – 18:00: Activities at La Pincoya.

-Tuesday, September 10, 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.: Discussion at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile.

-Wednesday, September 11: Activities at London 38, to commemorate September 11.

-Thursday, September 26, 7:00 p.m.: “Racism Today” Forum to be held at the Academy of Christian Humanism, with the participation of Articulación Migrante, Álvaro Ramis (rector of AHC), María Emilia Tijoux (University of Chile) and a Mapuche spokesperson (to be confirmed): Sala Salvador Allende, Condell 343, Providencia.

-Monday, September 30: Pilgrimage from Londres 38 to the Posta Central in memory of Joanne Florvil (time to be determined).

We look forward to seeing you!

human rights, carabineros, racism, human rights, missing detainees, joanne florvil

human rights, carabineros, racism, human rights, missing detainees, joanne florvil

human rights, carabineros, racism, human rights, missing detainees, joanne florvil

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