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Cyberpunk 2077 to be improved. These elements should be handled by CD Projekt RED

Some time ago I posted an entry in which I wrote, in which Cyberpunk 2077 from CD Projekt RED turned out to be better than The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt from the same studio. And while there were comments that were right as well as those that simply did not agree with my perspective (which is normal), there was also a slightly different type of response. There were some people who started pointing to an attempt to distort reality.

This is not something I would like to do at the moment. Of course, last year’s hit from our home studio cannot compare with the adventures of Geralt. And although I was very lucky to find a really small number of critical errors during my several dozen hours of adventure in Night City, I am still aware of what did not play there.

This is what I would like to do today. I decided to point out the elements that should be improved so that Cyberpunk 2077 could get as close as possible to the iconic Witcher 3. However, I will not focus on optimization, because it is too logical aspect. Let me just present my perspective, including gameplay and story elements in the text. So let’s get to the point.


Let’s start with a very small but extremely important thing. I believe that special attention should be paid to how the mini-map fares during the game. It is completely counterintuitive and, in fact, not much can be deduced from it. What’s more, when moving quickly, it just can’t keep up. I was notoriously crossing the designated descents and turns, because they appeared too late – either your eyes on the road or the map.


And if we are already driving, it is also worth referring to vehicles. Here, of course, I regret very much that it was available there are only motorbikes and cars. There is a lack of flying equipment or motorboats (although we will not see many reservoirs) The steering itself could also be improved – braking was extremely tedious, and often I had the impression that instead of driving, I just slide.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Vehicles

A living city

This is one aspect that kills the immersion promised us in the cosmic dimension a lot. Unluckily even on PlayStation 5, the city is not so lively and packed with people, as you’d expect from an overcrowded Night City. People are a bit lacking, cars are driving few (and traffic jams are still being created). CD Projekt RED should work on it – unfortunately, the last update for the past generation worked in the opposite way.

Cyberpunk 2077 - City

Walking on the walls

One of the things that was promised before the premiere was the ability to run on walls (probably using some kind of implants). Unfortunately, after the premiere, this option was not available and it was actually a poor action. Personally, I expected the freedom of movement straight from Saints Row 4 (when we got superpowers), but had to get by with the taste. Maybe the extras will save this case?

Cyberpunk 2077 - Wall running

More implants

And, sticking to the strains, it should be written that there would be a lot more of them! I think the creators have a few more ideas up their sleeve, which they intend to add in the form of DLC. And let it be true, because the current number does not impress, and even if there are quite a lot of them, with time it turns out that they hardly differ from each other. Well, that’s not what we expected.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Wszczpy

Choosing a perspective

When in the text I mentioned in the introduction, I wrote that the first-person perspective added realism and allowed them to better empathize with the world, many people objected that it was the one behind the hero’s back that worked better for them. And I can actually understand it. Maybe CD Projekt RED should try to give you a choice (like in Skyrim)? It would be an interesting thing for sure, and quite useful at the same time.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Perspective

Buying a flat

Another element that I missed very much. I love being able to move in gamesbecause it adds another dimension of openness to specific worlds. Unfortunately, we didn’t regret it here, which is a pity. In fact, all the time – regardless of cash and status – we live in a tiny apartment (with a slight exception at one of the endings). And there was, after all, the potential to develop the whole.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Apartment

Story discrepancy

I believe that CD Projekt RED should work a little more on leading each of the three life paths. Basically beyond the very beginning, being a nomad, we develop in the same way as in the case of a corporate career. The action, which was announced as something that would be of colossal significance, ultimately turned out to be a tiny flavor that did nothing special – which is a pity.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Life

The power of choice

The previous point is in a way related to the possibilities of choice and these are also worth analyzing. Sure, the end result of the game is kind of the fruit of our actions throughout the journey, but otherwise… well, we have little influence on it during the gameplay itself. In fact, I have often had the impression that although I was given a choice, I was still being pulled by the hand. AND the decisions themselves sounded like “YES” or “VERY YES”. Boy, I wanted more.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Choice

Modifying the appearance of the character

The last thing that I remember very much and that was probably the most disturbing of all. I know we don’t watch V all the time and the only option was usually to look in the mirror. But man how can you make a game in a world full of implants and modified body worship, rather than giving them an option to influence them? We couldn’t even go to the hairdresser! It was a huge step backwards and a bit of an insult to the whole genre.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Appearance

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