It turned out that the opportunity to strike up a romantic relationship with Judy for a male protagonist was originally in the game, but CD Projekt RED decided to abandon such a storyline.
Male V’s ability to romance Judy Alvarez appears to have been cut from the game by the developers at the last moment. In the files of the game, voice acting of the corresponding scenes was found, including in Russian. Unfortunately, console users will not be able to return Judy’s interest in the opposite sex, and in the PC version of the game this opportunity is available thanks to mod Cyber Engine Tweaks… After installing the mod, you must enter the line into the console (called by the “~” button):
for i, v in next, {«judy»} do Game.GetQuestsSystem():SetFactStr(v..«_romanceable», 1)end
Since officially there is no such possibility in the game, after making changes to the game, various bugs are possible, so it is recommended to make a backup. To prove that the method works, the user FredrickFlower posted a video on YouTube.