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Cyberpunk 2077 for mobile? It works, but watch out for the infected version

Cyberpunk 2077 is possible on mobile devices that do not offer as high performance as modern gaming computers and next-generation consoles, for example, they can be played via the cloud platform GeForce Now from Nvidia.

With a monthly flat rate, those interested will get access not only to the most anticipated game of last year, but also to hundreds of other titles. The required performance is taken care of by remote Nvidia servers, and the user is projected on his device only via the Internet connection in the resulting image in the best possible quality that his Internet connection allows.

Thanks to this, it is possible to play very demanding titles, such as Cyberpunk 2077, even on relatively slow machines – not only on computers, but also on smartphones.

Example from the game Cyberpunk 2077 with ray tracing turned on

Photo: archive of creators

And it is people’s interest in mobile gaming that is now being exploited by hackers, as antivirus company Kaspersky warned. “The increased interest of cybercriminals in Cyberpunk 2077 is understandable. The gaming community has been waiting for this game for eight years, so even before its official release, users were willing to download everything similar to this game, “said Michal Lukáš, Head of Presales at Kaspersky for the region of Central and Eastern Europe.

According to him, in addition to the first forged free versions of this title, security experts also caught a far more dangerous variant – a fake mobile version of Cyberpunk 2077, which spreads extortionate ransomware. It can lock the entire mobile phone and block the stored data, and the attackers demand a ransom for making it available.

Demonstration of the fraudulent mobile application Cyberpunk 2077

Photo: Kaspersky

“The good news is that in the fake mobile version, the criminals left the decryption key as part of the Trojan it was spreading. This means that infected files can be decrypted without having to pay a ransom. In the future, however, it is important that all players watch very closely where they download games – especially if they are offered a ‘beta’ version on a new platform. Games will always be a popular target for cybercriminals, “added Lukáš.

However, it is possible that in some of the other versions, cybercriminals will no longer be so inattentive and will spread the fake version of Cyberpunk 2077 with some more insidious malicious code. Therefore, users should be very careful about what they download. Cyberpunk 2077 can be played on mobile devices only through cloud platforms, not as a standalone game that they install.

Sample from the game Cyberpunk 2077

Photo: archive of creators

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