Home » today » Entertainment » Cyberbullying by Eddy de Pretto: up to six months of imprisonment with suspension of the sentence against 17 Internet users

Cyberbullying by Eddy de Pretto: up to six months of imprisonment with suspension of the sentence against 17 Internet users

“Provocation”, “spit in the face” from “the historical religion of Francedefendants aged between 20 and 26 – who said they barely knew Eddy de Pretto at the time and most claim their Catholic faith – had expressed their indignation on Instagram, or in a public comment under the singer’s publication, or directly to his attention, in a private message.

“You giant fennel”, “die in hell, dirty dog”, “big sack of shit to contaminate our religion”he proclaimed the messages. “I don’t see what the problem is that I’m a sodomite singing in a church”had launched the singer at the helm on Monday. “I was very afraid to leave my house, trouble sleeping, […] depressive disorders, I could not understand this violence “.

In his indictment, the prosecutor described the messages addressed to Eddy de Pretto as“abuse of freedom of expression”. “You are doing it for the buzz, it is indecent, we will implement the legal means to respond to this blasphemy”he pointed out to them. The prosecutor also recalled that in France, “Blasphemy and offenses against religion are not punishable by law”.

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