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Cuts to public education fuel anger against Milei government

Buenos Aires. Hundreds booed and shouted “traitor to the country” at the president, Javier Milei, the day after he managed, with blackmail and vote buying, to get the Chamber of Deputies to endorse his veto of the university financing law, with which He tries with this to begin his plan to end public education.

Milei yesterday visited a restaurant where one of his libertarian followers took refuge, provoking protesters, students, retirees and others, who marched peacefully to try to prevent the president’s veto of this law from being validated. The screams surprised Milei and his guard could not do anything, which shows the increasingly important fall of whoever came to the government from a movement that had only 29 percent of adherents, although not militants, many of whom had already joined. they abandoned.

The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, intensified the conflict and on social networks warned: “to the violent anti-democratic people who beat, persecuted and robbed (which is false) the independent journalist (one of Milei’s trolls) Fran Fijap I say: Know that we are going to go after each one with the full force of the law. We have them all identified and they have no escape. Law and order.”

Ten months into Milei’s government, his far-right La Libertad Avanza is still not even a political party, it is a minority in Congress and only manages to obtain results through its partners from the Republican Proposal (PRO), led by former president Mauricio Macri ( 2015-2019), a sector of the Radical Civic Union (UCR), which has fractured due to this cause, and the authentic militants ask for the expulsion of the “pro Milei” considered traitors to the principles of that century-old party.

The veto became the beginning of a resistance that is manifested in the faculties and universities taken over throughout the country, in the national teaching strike carried out this Thursday, and the call for another one next Wednesday.

Milei has destroyed more of everything that the former president – until then a Peronist – Carlos Menem (1989-1999), and the radical Fernando de la Rúa (1999-2001), did, years in which the Argentine people exploded and then Macri who He left the country bankrupt with default on debt payments and owing another one hundred million dollars plus the 45 billion dollars that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) illegally awarded him.

For this reason, many call Milei “the “exterminator,” who has weakened the State, handing over sovereignty in a process that is very difficult to reverse. The phrase of a journalist from Page 12 defines it: “Milei won the palace, but lost the street.”

Salaries have been reduced, inflation is rising, tariffs are unaffordable for the population, businesses, restaurants and others are closing, Small and Medium Enterprises are collapsing, while the industry is collapsing and now even more so due to the import decrees of A number of products, worth the redundancy, Argentina produces.

It is the “chainsaw” effect promised to supposedly end the political “caste” and ends the population. “Far from closing the issue like the victory that was announced on the networks, the government and the very friendly opposition bought with this movement a conflict that threatens to grow exponentially as soon as the vote of Deputies was known,” he points out. Page/12.

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