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Cut internet power cables, acts of vandalism that multiply during confinement

The operator Orange has identified numerous acts of vandalism in Normandy but also in Bordeaux, in Charente or in the Hauts-de-France region. Malicious people are cutting the fiber network, causing customers to cut telephone and internet connections. In Le Havre, this is the case for 73 households.

An increase in acts of vandalism

Margaret contacted France Blue Normandy because his Orange box has not worked for a week. She lives alone in one of the two large buildings at Porte Océane, boulevard François 1er, facing the sea. At 71 years old and in full confinement, her only contact with her children who are in the United States is a video call every day. “Internet I can do without, I can read, but news with my children is important”, she worries.

Repair 1km5 of fiber, a titanic job

Fortunately, Margaret’s cell phone works, so she is not cut off from the world. In her messages, Orange had mentioned “an incident” to her, but she knew no more. In fact, for some time now, the operator has noted numerous acts of vandalism all over France: in Le Havre, in Bordeaux, in Charente, in Moselle, in Hauts-de-FranceMalicious people break into buildings and cut fiber. However, it takes a long time to repair.

In Le Havre, for the area where Margaret lives, there are 1.5 km of fiber to repair! This represents 492 welds and it takes an average of 12 welds per hour. Then each client like Margaret must be reconnected individually. The technicians’ work is therefore titanic, especially since they have to interrupt themselves regularly for emergency response especially for vital services (health, police, etc.)

Porte Océane, the repair started on Wednesday and should end around April 7, almost two weeks after the cut. On his side, Orange complained in each region where these acts of vandalism took place.

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