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Customs duties. There was a warning, there is a decision of China. Things are tense in Poland

China is currently the largest producer of electric cars in the world. Among other things, this is because the state provides significant support to this industry. This is not only about subsidies and tax breaks, but also about easier access to land. All this meant that the European Union – wanting to protect the domestic industry against competition “on steroids” – from November 1, it will be subject to Chinese electric cars to 45% taxes.

China responded. From Friday, October 11, importers of brandy from the European Union must “pay security deposits to customs authorities”. This is not surprising. Beijing has been announcing tariffs on luxury alcohol if Brussels hits China’s auto industry for months.

Customs duties. There was a warning, there is a decision of China. Things are tense in Poland

China’s retaliation is a blow largely to the French, who are responsible for 99 percent. brandy exports from the EU. That’s why in May in Paris, French President Emmanuel Macron presented President Xi Jinping with cognac. The media called it cognac diplomacy. However, it was not successful.

The rest of the article is below the video

See also: Europe is the “ecological conscience of the world”. Experts on the role of China and the US

Customs duties. There was a warning, there is a decision of China. Things are tense in Poland

Brandy today, Polish vodka tomorrow?

We asked, among others, about the possible impact of Chinese retaliatory tariffs on Polish industry. Polish Spirits Industry Employers’ Association, whose ranks include, for example, local branches of Stock and Moët Hennessy companies. Alcohol makers do not expect Poland to back down, but they fear that tensions between Brussels and Beijing will increase.

“As for our brandy exports, it should be noted that they are marginal, and unfortunately China is not a significant market for spirits (in any category). Therefore, the introduction of tariffs on brandy exported to China will not directly affect the activities of Polish spirits industry companies,” say representatives of the association. However, they note that it will create a precedent.

We therefore believe that Member States should oppose such restrictions on access to third-country markets, because if today European brandy is subject to customs duties, tomorrow it may apply to Polish vodka or another of our export products – points out Aneta Wasilewska from the Association of Employers of the Polish Spirit Industry.

Customs duties. There was a warning, there is a decision of China. Things are tense in Poland

However, the National Secretariat of Food Industry and Agriculture NSZZ “Solidarność”, which also has trade unions in the alcohol industry, does not see any reason for panic regarding China’s decision. He doesn’t get any alarming signs of staffing problems.

Milkmen in tension

However, the dairy industry is warning against an increase in the customs war. A few months ago, China started proceedings to investigate, among other things, subsidies from the EU for this sector. Poland, let us emphasize right away, has not yet come under the microscope of Chinese officials. But our neighbors – the Czechs – were not so lucky.

Customs duties. There was a warning, there is a decision of China. Things are tense in Poland

Beijing is investigating support programs for the dairy industry in Ireland, Austria, Belgium, Italy, Croatia, Finland, Romania and the Czech Republic. As Agnieszka Maliszewska, director of the office of the Polish Dairy Chamber, said in June in an interview with portalspozywczy.pl, The Poles cannot ignore China’s investigation.

We fear that Chinese importers may ban EU imports and our companies will be hit hard. Some restrictions on trade with China could also increase the global supply of dairy products. Other countries look for export diversification, which could have a negative impact on prices, said Maliszewska.

Marcin Hydzik, president of the Association of Polish Milk Processors and chairman of the Milk Agreement, confirmed that EU support programs for the industry are in line with the principles of the World Trade Organization. He considered Beijing’s start of proceedings a “warning scene”, but reassured the industry.

– Both the EU and Polish dairy industries have already experienced so many crises, including: the closure of the Russian market, the pandemic, market collapse, butter and powder peaks, but ‘ nevertheless they show remarkable resistance against these events every time. This time too, they will surely do very well – he said after China started an investigation into EU milk products.

Customs duties. There was a warning, there is a decision of China. Things are tense in Poland

China has a huge market to lose

The European market is very important for Beijing, which in 2023 received goods from China worth EUR 516 billion. A high-ranking diplomat from one of the European Union countries comments unofficially (and anonymously) in “Rzeczpospolita” that revenge is not in the interest of the Chinese.

“Therefore, it is not profitable for them to go to a trade war with Europe, especially since we treat them much more leniently than other trading partners. The US, along with Canada and Australia, have imposed 100% tariffs on Chinese electric cars“- we read every day.

Customs duties. There was a warning, there is a decision of China. Things are tense in Poland

– We can expect retaliation from Beijing, but we should also remember that the Chinese authorities do not want to increase the already strained relationship with the EU – as an important market for various types of Chinese products – explained Alicja Bachulska, an expert at the idea of ​​a tank, in an interview with “Rz”.

Jacek Losik, money.pl journalist

Customs duties. There was a warning, there is a decision of China. Things are tense in Poland

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Heniek M.

6 hours ago

Pathetic leftists want to stop the destruction of Europe with tariffs on goods from the normal world….

Krzysztof K.

5 hours ago

this is bullshit … brandy for cars … as if wine was made in China, grapes were grown and brandy produced … this product will reach China, but a country will get others benefit from it… they will change their stickers…

Richard S.

4 hours ago

And I am happy. Awesome. Germany and the French have introduced restrictions on Polish transport companies. Germany prohibits Polish companies from transporting more than 4 loads within their territory. What is this supposed to be??

Customs duties. There was a warning, there is a decision of China. Things are tense in Poland

Germany, as usual, wiped its ass with Poland – Poland voted for the tax and Germany, although they like the tariff, voted against it. Now, for China, Germany is fine and Poland is the enemy. Nothing but praise for Tusk and company.

free thinking…

7 hours ago

Well, instead of reforming the EU, we protect ourselves with tariffs. Or maybe get rid of those half-baked bureaucrats in the EU and healthy competition will be possible

He who lives by the sword dies by the sword

Last Comments (247)

Brenda???! Also, give me a duty on the export of wood from Poland. Polish forests breathe a sigh of relief.

And great! There should be 100% taxes on all proceeds from criminal regimes

You have the answer, ecologists. If it was about ecology and not money, what was the problem? Let cheap electric cars be on the roads, but no, we will ban combustion engines and put duty on electric cars “we don’t have”. The EU in a nutshell.

Very important and relevant to the so-called integrated situation In the words of the West, a few months ago, Russian President Putin said: The vampire ball is coming to an end. Fewer and fewer free countries want to cooperate with the West, and 149 of all countries have shown support for BRICS.

And there are more people in the cities than the whole country. They must be restrained. They don’t open production here because they can’t – they have a lot of people.

2024-10-09 18:22:00
#Customs #duties #warning #decision #China #tense #Poland

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