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Customers can handle district and land registry matters in one place, at the former Cemü headquarters – Dunakanyar Region

A few months earlier, the government window in the former CEMÜ headquarters was closed, but now the administration has returned to full capacity here, after both the Váci Járási Hivatal and the Váci Járási Földhivatal moved here.

So, from now on, residents living in local and surrounding settlements can handle their land registry, official, guardianship, public health, food chain safety, and animal health district office matters in one place.

Bence Rétvári, Ministry of the Interior parliamentary secretary of state, the region’s parliamentary representative, dr. Together with district registrar Gábor Maruszki, he announced at the press conference held at the entrance of the former CEMŰ headquarters that the district office had recently moved here from the town hall, and the land office had moved from the Curia building, so that from now on, the various specialized authorities operate here, the grouping of which in one place makes administration significantly easier.

The member of parliament reminded that, due to the lack of space, the city leaders initiated three years ago that the employees of the district office should not perform their duties in the offices of the town hall. Mayor Ilona Matkovich then continuously pushed for the measure, and the release of the CEMÜ headquarters offices made it possible to move and to concentrate the management of numerous official matters in one place.

In response to our question, we were told that only minor alterations were needed in the office building to accommodate the new offices, which made it possible to work in one place from now on
About 160 officials of the Pest County Government Office and the Váci Járási Hivatal, which not only promotes the efficiency of administration, but also customer-friendly public administration.

“In this way, family support, land registry, official, guardianship, public health, food chain safety, and animal health matters can be handled here. In addition, the state treasury also has
point of administration, so clients can come here one or two days a week and they can also handle state treasury matters,” emphasized Bence Rétvári.

The state secretary said: thanks to the measure, everyone can perceive the government’s effort to make public administration as customer-friendly as possible, not people-friendly
they should adapt, but the public administration should adapt to the people. Bence Rétvári also added: it is important that the administration is both family-friendly and elderly-friendly, both in accessibility and in the care of cases.

“We are happy that with the development of the public administration, it was possible to make administration more convenient for the locals and the residents of the surrounding settlements, we were noticeably ahead of the curve
step in recent years. At the same time, we are also pleased that we were able to fulfill one of the important requests of the city, that the government office should not be in the municipality building,
the mayor mentioned this at every meeting. We are confident that this office relocation to a central location and administrative concentration will go well
can serve the interests of the clients”, Bence Rétvári concluded his briefing.

Zoltán Ribáry (vaconline.hu)

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