Customer who threw food at staff ordered to work at fast food restaurant for two months/Luke Sharrett/Bloomberg/Getty Images/FILE
2023.12.09 Sat posted at 17:20 JST
New York (CNN) The U.S. District Court in Perm, Ohio, recently sentenced a 39-year-old woman who threw a plate of hot food in Chibotre’s fast food restaurant’s employee’s face to one month in prison. The court ordered him to work for two months.
The defendant was sentenced to choose between three months in prison or one month in prison plus two months of work at a fast food restaurant. When it came to work, he also ordered them to work 20 hours a week.
At the sentencing hearing, a district court judge even urged him, “Either work for two months and learn about the feelings of the people who serve customers in the store, or you want to experience prison.”
The defendant, who has four children, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault and other charges and chose to work at a store. However, as of the 6th of this month, he has not found a job.
The incident at the store took place on September 5, 2018, and a video of the defendant throwing a plate at close range in the face of an employee who was scolding him became a hot topic online.
Although this was the first time the judge had handed down a judgment of this kind, he also revealed that he had handled similar cases in the past. He also said that in his 30 years as a judge, the number of cases has reached a level he would not want.
The victim, a female clerk, reportedly quit her job at Chibotore and found another job after the incident.
According to the judge, even though the defendant admitted his guilt at the hearing, he complained about the food served at the restaurant, and even pointed out that it was unclear whether he truly had a sense of atonement. At the trial, the defendant was told that he probably didn’t like the way the burrito was served, but that he might be dissatisfied again if the same food was served in prison.
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2023-12-09 08:20:00