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Customer data: gold is in the strategy! | Information on Isarta

October 3, 2022

There is a narrative that, unknowingly, traders are sitting on a “gold mine” simply by owning transactional data. However, speaking with digital marketing strategy consultant Karine Rahmani, author of the new Isarta lineup Leverage your transactional data and increase your sales (given October 27th), we understand that to access the mine … you must first organize your data and establish a collection strategy!

The strategist illustrates this reality by evoking a marketing initiative from a client operating in the running sector.

This dealer wanted to reach two types of customers: beginners and marathoners. Well, on the company’s website, there were two key moments when we solicited emails from visitors: after an article on how to start running and after a tip article on how to warm up to avoid injuries during a marathon. By positioning the e-mail reception in this way, it becomes possible to qualify the customer upstream. Because it is difficult to ask for too much information when receiving the email, this is an obstacle and we want to avoid it. “

However, before you can implement such a strategy, you first need to know what information you are looking for and where it is.

To do a lot of auditing, the problem is that customer data is completely scattered and poorly organized, notes the consultant. Companies have to work upstream to define what they are trying to collect and thus know where the information is. ”

The new Isarta training aims to help companies to better “structure” their data to optimize their marketing efforts. Karine Rahmani explains “how to use your transactional data”, what are the “prerequisites”, what “marketing levers” to use to “increase your sales basket”; “how and why to determine the essential KPIs” etc.

Start early, start late… each has its advantages

As an entrepreneur, it is good to know that there is no “bad time” to take the leap into data mining. Of course, if you have a two or three year sales history, you can immediately start analyzing and identifying trends. However, if we are interested in the exploitation of data from the moment of opening an e-shop, we will have the opportunity to lay a solid foundation for an optimal use of data.

It’s important to set your goals upstream and ask yourself what you want to measure, explains Karine Rahmani. By developing your promotional codes in a certain way, you can then analyze the performance of new customers from one year to the next. Same thing if we take the time to establish a uniform nomenclature for our product codes. To use your data, you need to have good data hygiene right from the start. ”

Developing an analytical mind in the face of its transactional data can lead the company to new growth paths.

I want companies to think not only in terms of acquisition, but also in terms of retention, explains the consultant. How do you acquire customers who will become more loyal in the long run? Taking as a model the customers who are the most loyal today. If we look at our data, we will be able to know what they look like: 20% generating 80% of your income. And try to attract this type of profile into the company. ”

Find Karine’s workout below:

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