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Customer complains to Netto after looking at the vegetable shelf

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Von: Christoph Gschoßmann

This price tag upset a net customer. © Facebook/Markus Klatt

How expensive can peppers be? A father from Mülheim an der Ruhr was terribly upset about the price at Netto.

Munich/Mülheim an der Ruhr – Inflation affects us all, whether at the gas station, paying rent or at the supermarket checkout. In recent years, many products have become drastically more expensive, and this is reflected in the wallet, since wages are not rising as quickly. There was a lot of excitement about that recently apparently outrageously expensive Edeka limes as well as “Tomatoes that average earners can no longer afford”. A similar case happened now Net-Customer from Mülheim an der Ruhr in North Rhine-Westphalia, who was terribly upset about the price of paprika, How tz.de reported.

“Say, you’ve got the bang,” he begins his statement on Facebook full of anger. He posted a photo of the price tag for red peppers, which reads the price per kilo of 7.99 euros. “It has nothing to do with inflation anymore, it’s a total rip-off,” he writes.

Net customer furious: “How am I supposed to do that?”

“Who should be able to afford that these days? I am a single dad of a little girl who I want to try to feed healthily. How am I supposed to manage that with such prices?” he adds desperately. And he asks: “Are vegetables now becoming a luxury item?” Finally he ends his post with just as much rage as at the beginning: “You have a crack in the bowl.” In a comment he also writes: “The price is cheeky.”

Maybe the customer just caught a bad day at Netto, because loud Supermarktcheck.de red peppers are available at a price of 2.52 euros per kilo. The paprika mix can therefore be purchased for 1.94 euros. We wish him better luck next time – because the resolution to feed his child healthily is definitely worth supporting. (cgsc)

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