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Cusco: Books Reveal How Farming Communities Conserve Mountain Water | News

The books published by Minam reveal how the customs and experiences of the peasant communities of Cusco, located near the Piuray lagoon and the snow-capped mountain of Quelccaya, conserve the mountain water.

Two books, prepared by researchers, reveal how the experiences and customs of peasant communities located around the Piuray lagoon and the snow-capped mountain of Quelccaya, located in the Cusco region, help conserve mountain water, highlighted the Ministry of the Environment (Minam).

It’s about the guides “Ecosystem Routes Associated with Water” and “Climate Change Route and Quelccaya Glacier Geopark””, prepared by the National Institute for Research on Glaciers and Mountain Ecosystems (Inaigem), a body annexed to Minam, in alliance with the peasant communities that inhabit these ecosystems, in order to enhance the ecosystem services that regulate water that come from the mountains.

Both publications highlight ancestral knowledge applied to mountain water conservation, Among other cultural aspects, they are embodied in two publications that serve as a guide for domestic and foreign tourists and environmental researchers.

The Minam indicated that the books present places of interest that can diversify the livelihoods of the populations inhabiting the area, compared to the impacts of climate change, as well as contributing to research and education around the Quelccaya Glacier. In this line, Inaigem specialists work closely with the respective surrounding populations to promote the evaluation of the ecosystem services provided by these natural spaces.

Nature trails

The guide “Ecosystem pathways associated with water” contains 12 chapters; through its lines it details the 10 identified routes linked to the Piuray lagoon, showing access routes, stories and beautiful natural landscapes of the Vilcanota, Urubamba and Vilcabamba glacier ranges. This water territory supplies water for human consumption to 30% of the population of the city of Cusco.

The “Climate Change Trail and Quelccaya Glacier Geopark” proposes a first brings it closer to the communities furthest from the mountain and spreads their tourist potential (culture, biodiversity and access routes, among other aspects) of mountain ecosystems in the sphere of influence of said snow.

Finally, the Minam indicated that these guides, worked in a participatory way, were presented at the IX Cusco International Book Fair 2022, which took place in the imperial city.

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Published: 11/11/2022

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