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“Curse of the Sea Rats and Other Xbox News: A High Seas Podcast Adventure”

Rodents invade our podcast. To the boarding!

Welcome to our little sailboat, Sea Wolves. We will raise the sails and we will prepare to navigate the seas in search of treasures and fleeing from the curses that the dark waters hide. A journey that will be possible thanks to the analysis that we have prepared for you this week in the podcast. yes, Curse of the Sea Rats It is already among us and we have been able to test its benefits on Xbox. Ready to know our verdict?

Apart from the Petoons Studio game, other news awaits us on the high seas. And we already anticipate that several of them are not very flattering. To begin with, it is time to dress in mourning to bury this year’s E3, which is irretrievably cancelled. A bad omen that is accompanied by another cancellation, and that is that the possibility of emulating on our Xbox is over. There are ways to still enjoy emulators, but they won’t be as accessible as they used to be. At least we will always have Xbox Game Pass, which continues to swell the catalog with a multitude of games for the month of April. And for those who don’t want to be pirates, but vampire hunters, watch out for the new Vampire Survivor DLC that looms in the distance.

Take out your spyglass and tune in to our podcast frequency! If you want to see our sleepy pirate faces, you can do it on our channel Youtube y Twitch.

Staff that has participated in this program:

Podcast schedule:
00:00 What are we playing
18:00 Cancellation of E3 2023
23:00 End of emulators on Xbox
27:00 Xbox Game Pass games in April
32:00 New Vampire Survivor DLC
37:00 Analysis of Curse of the Sea Rats
48:00 Launches
50:00 Comments and farewells

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