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Currently 2 kg of warts were removed from the body of Dede ‘Manusia Akar’

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Since he was a teenager, Dede Koswara, a resident of Cililin, West Bandung, has suffered from a rare skin disorder, called giant cutaneous horn. Part of Dede’s body is covered with belts that look like tree roots, one of which is on both hands.

In mid-December 2007 or at the age of 37, the warts on Dede’s two hands were successfully removed through an operation performed by a team of doctors at RSHS Bandung. Even though he was sore from the post-operation wounds, this made Dede feel light because his hands were no longer heavy.

“I went to his room. Then I asked him how he felt. He said thank God he is in a good mood Haraimpang (feels lighter-red),” said the Head of the Dede Treatment Team which at the time was led by Dr. Rachmat Dinata, Sp.KK, on ​​Wednesday, December 19, 2007.



According to Rachmat, during the operation, Dede experienced bleeding. Due to the blood that Dede received during the operation, Dede’s Hb blood dropped from 10.6 to 9 shortly after the operation, on Tuesday, August 18, 2007.

Dede had to go through a series of operations to remove warts that were growing on parts of his body. Until the 14th operation performed at RSHS, Wednesday, January 12 2011, the team of doctors succeeded in removing about 2 kilograms of warts from Dede’s hands.

“The total warts removed were about 2 kilograms to 2.25 kilograms,” said the Head of the Operation Team, Dr. Hardi Siswo.

The warts that the team of doctors removed came from both of Dede’s hands. During the surgery, 4 doctors treated Dede’s two hands.

“So hand 1 was treated by 2 doctors. The wart was removed from the palm and also the back of the hand. In addition there was an operator who helped to clean it,” said Hardi.

Four years passed, on Tuesday, September 9 2015, Dede had to undergo treatment again because the warts were growing and drying again.

“The patient came with complaints about the same disease. There was a thickening of the skin on both hands and feet that looked like roots,” said Dede Treatment Doctor Team who was in charge at the time, Oki Suarsa.

According to Oki, Dede has immunity, which is the ability of the body to produce a lower immune system. “Cellular immunity goes down, until it grows again after surgery,” said Oki.

The most likely attempt, Oki continued, was to boost Dede’s immune system. “Several treatments can be tried by giving drugs to boost immunity. So the body can eliminate the virus. However, it is still being evaluated. Some drugs have contraindications. The liver or the kidneys can be affected,” he explained.

At the age of 46, after undergoing a series of operations and treatments, fate said otherwise. Dede was pronounced dead, Saturday, January 30 2016 at 03.30 WIB.

Dr. Rudi Wisaksana, a representative of the Special Disease Team who treated Dede, said that Dede died due to multiple organ failure.

According to Rudi, Dede joined the RSHS on Thursday (28/1/2016). At that time, Dede was unconscious.

“At first, when he was at home, Mr. Dede slept for a long time, it was difficult to wake him up. After a while, his consciousness decreased and then his family took him to the Cililin Hospital,” explained Rudi.

Cililin Hospital then coordinated with RSHS for further treatment. “When he arrived here, the patient’s condition was already unconscious. The condition continued to worsen,” explained Rudi.

Upon arrival at RSHS, Dede was immediately treated in Flamboyan’s room. The condition of the vital organs, namely the liver, kidneys, lungs and brain, is in poor condition. “So in addition to his skin disease, Dede has a history of liver disease which has problems affecting the kidneys, lungs and brain. He was also short of breath,” he explained.

RSHS has made every effort to treat Dede. But fate said otherwise. “We tried our best, but God had other plans. The patient, Dede, died this morning at 03.30 WIB (at that time),” explained Rudi.



2024-10-06 03:00:56
#warts #removed #body #Dede #Manusia #Akar

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