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Current Speed Cameras in Freiburg im Breisgau on June 30th, 2023: Updated Locations and Fines

Attention, radar control! On June 30th, 2023 it can be expensive for drivers in Freiburg im Breisgau. We’ll tell you which streets you should definitely not risk speeding on this Friday.

According to current information, in Freiburg in Breisgau currently flashed at one location. The road traffic is subject to constant and adapted surveillance by the police in Baden-Württemberg. Temporary speed measurements must therefore be expected throughout the city of Freiburg im Breisgau.

This is where the speed cameras in Freiburg im Breisgau are currently on June 30th, 2023

In the Hermann Mitsch Street, ZIP code 79108 in Bruehl (speed limit 50 km/h) is currently on Blitzer built up. The position was reported on 06/30/2023 at 09:21, confirmed on 06/30/2023 at 12:13. (View location on map.)

(Status: 06/30/2023, 1:19 p.m.)

Speed ​​cameras are used for road safety. Please always adapt your speed to the traffic situation and stick to the prescribed maximum speed for your own protection and that of other road users.

The current catalog of fines at a glance

The Road Traffic Act (StVO) is certainly known to everyone. In connection with the catalog of fines, this regulates the penalties for exceeding the permissible speeds. As a rule, you have to expect fines here, if the violation is higher, points in Flensburg or even a driving ban can also be added. Unless otherwise specified, the maximum speed outside of built-up areas is 100 km/h and in built-up areas 50 km/h.

Rules for cars in urban areas

VerstoßPenaltyPointFahrverbotbis 10 km/h30 €11 – 15 km/h50 €16 – 20 km/h70 €21 – 25 km/h115 €126 – 30 km/h180 €11 Monat31 – 40 km/h260 €11 Monat41 – 50 km/h 400 € 21 Monat51 – 60 km/h560 €22 Monat61 – 70 km/h700 €23 Monatüber 70 km/h800 €23 Monat

Rules for cars outside town

VerstoßPenaltyPointFahrverbotbis 10 km/h20 €11 – 15 km/h40 €16 – 20 km/h60 €21 – 25 km/h100 €126 – 30 km/h150 €11 Monat31 – 40 km/h200 €11 Monat41 – 50 km/h 320 € 21 Monat51 – 60 km/h480 €21 Monat61 – 70 km/h600 €22 Monatüber 70 km/h700 €23 Monat

What about the tolerance deduction for mobile speed cameras?

With regard to the tolerance deduction, there is no difference between mobile and stationary speed cameras. The location in the urban area is also not decisive. However, there may be small deviations in the tolerance due to different measurement accuracy between the different radar devices used. Usually, a 3 km/h tolerance is subtracted from the measured value if the driving speed is below the 100 km/h limit. Subtract 3 percent from higher speeds.

Mobile speed cameras: How the flexible devices work

There are many variants of mobile measuring points. There are various standing devices that can be easily mounted on a stand or tripod and are quickly ready for use. The police can thus monitor accident black spots and danger spots very flexibly. Speed ​​camera trailers in various designs (so-called enforcement trailers) are now well known. From a technological point of view, a general distinction is made between laser and radar measuring devices. Sensor measuring devices can also be used more rarely.

Speed ​​camera apps and radar detectors are prohibited while driving

According to the Road Traffic Act (StVO), devices with a real-time warning function for speed cameras are prohibited in Germany. It is written there: “Anyone who drives a vehicle may not operate a technical device or carry it ready for operation that is intended to display or disrupt traffic surveillance measures.” External radar detectors are therefore absolutely prohibited. A smartphone itself does not have to be switched off, but at least the warning function must be deactivated in navigation apps. In order to avoid being photographed by a speed camera, the safest method is still to stick to the prescribed speed limits. By the way: speed camera warnings on the radio are of course still allowed. A person driving the vehicle alone is not explicitly warned here.

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+++ Editorial note: This text was created on the basis of current data with the help of AI. If you have any comments or questions, please contact zettel@news.de. +++


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