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Current: Bomb discovery in Offenbach-Bürgel – Rhein Main Verlag

evacuation radius. (Map: City of Offenbach)

Update: Evacuation after a bomb was found: The evacuation of the restricted area in Bürgel has been completed. The explosive ordnance clearance service now begins with the defusing.

Lord Mayor Dr. Felix Schwenke: “Many people are now waiting to be able to go back to their homes. But first the defusing must be completed. So that everyone is safe, we ask for a little patience.

The evacuation was delayed for three reasons: Much more often than in comparable events, it only became clear when the police arrived that a lying transport was needed. To do this, it was necessary to wait for the arrival of many rescue workers from the surrounding districts who had previously been on missions. Most recently, the police had to deal with people who had been hiding in their apartments. I have no sympathy for this inconsiderate behavior. I would like to thank all the other Offenbach residents for their great support.”

The rescue workers are now using the time to prepare for the return home of the people in need of care from the clinics.

If the explosive ordnance clearance service gives the green light, the citizens can begin their return. The city will inform you about this https://www.offenbach.de. OVB provides buses for the return journey from the care center at the Ernst Reuter School. The buses go to the stops in the Bürgel district. The other lines in the city area will be reinforced if necessary.

Employees of the city of Offenbach provide information https://www.offenbach.de and up https://twitter.com/Stadt_OF about the defuse and the trap circuit. A citizen hotline has been set up at 069/840004-375.

Update: The last patient transports are currently being processed.

Update: The helicopter is needed at another site and will not come for the time being.

Update: The evacuation is delayed after a bomb was found in Offenbach-Bürgel. Almost 100 people – and therefore unusual – many have to be transported lying down with rescue services. Many are taken to the hospital as a precaution. For the safety of those affected, the transports must first be completed. Lord Mayor Dr. Felix Schwenke asks the population for patience and understanding in the interest of those affected.

A helicopter is now supporting the evacuation with thermal imaging cameras to ensure that no one is moving in the restricted area.

Update: A bomb from World War II weighing 250 kilograms was found in Bürgel – on the open space between Mainzer Ring and Karl-Herdt-Weg. In order to render the World War II ammunition harmless, the bomb is to be defused today. The police evacuation has already begun. Around 8,700 people are affected.

A restricted area of ​​around 750 meters has been set up around the site. The area affected is from the Rumpenheimer Straße / Mainzer Ring intersection in the north to the Große Ahl in the south and between the Main in the west and Straße im Eschig in the east. The police are on site and have already started setting up roadblocks. There are numerous residential buildings within the Sperkreises, which residents have to leave immediately. The restricted area should also be largely bypassed. The police will ask local residents to leave their homes for the duration of the defusing.

People who are not mobile can be picked up by civil protection. The police can be informed about this. Until the defusing, residents can stay in the care center set up in the Ernst Reuter School. This is available to citizens as a place of residence until the defusing.

The area of ​​the Sperrkreis remains closed until the bomb is defuse – probably until late in the evening. Residents will not be able to return to their homes until the city of Offenbach am Main releases the area. For this, on www.offenbach.de informed. In addition to the approximately 200 emergency services from the civil protection, there are also around 160

Police forces on site, including support for the police from Frankfurt am Main and the Mühlheim riot police.

Pupils from Bürgel who are still at school should contact their parents by phone to find out if and where they can meet.

Mayor Schwenke asked for a complete picture of the situation again in the afternoon and was satisfied with the course of events so far. He thanked the emergency services of all authorities for the good cooperation. The OB will continue to be involved in all important steps at all times.

Original message: A bomb from World War II weighing 250 kilograms was found in Bürgel – on the open space between Mainzer Ring and Karl-Herdt-Weg.

Emergency services from the fire brigade and police cordon off in a radius of at least 750 meters. The population is asked to avoid the area between Offenbacher Straße / Langstraße in the west and Geleitsweg / Eduard-Oehler-Straße in the south as well as Arendsstraße and Rohrstraße in the north.

Mayor Schwenke has commissioned the establishment of a crisis management team and will be kept informed of developments.

The fire brigade and police have started clearing the area around the bomb found. Around 8,000 people are affected. The population will be informed via loudspeakers. A map of the evacuation radius is being prepared.

The Offenbach fire brigade and other emergency services are on duty. The security area is evacuated by the authorities: “Keep well away from the site so as not to obstruct the rescue workers! Pay attention to announcements by the police or fire brigade and find out about the current situation on this page or on the local radio stations HR3 or Radio FFH.”

All current news also under the following link: https://twitter.com/Stadt_OF (#notfallof)

In an evacuation

Pack a rucksack/bag with spare clothing, hygiene items, your medication and the most important documents (ID card, health insurance card, etc.). Secure your home when leaving. Make sure they have turned off electrical and gas appliances (iron, stove, etc.) and turned off all taps. Follow the instructions of the local operations management or the emergency services on site.

Emergency numbers: Emergency services in Offenbach

(Text: PM City of Offenbach)

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