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Current accounts, stamp duty arrives: here’s how to avoid it

Bad news is coming for many account holders who will have to deal with forced withdrawals. Here’s what’s going on.

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2020 was marked by the impact of Covid which brought with it negative repercussions, both in terms of the social aspect and cheap. Unfortunately, many families find themselves having to deal with a serious financial crisis, so much so that, for example, about 830,000 parents have give up looking after children, precisely in order not to further affect the family budget.

A particularly complicated historical moment, which leads more and more people to turn their attention to savings, in order to always have a few euros available to draw on. More and more money, therefore, is left on the Bank account, thus often being eroded by taxes and costs of various kinds. Some account holders are well aware of this and will soon find themselves having to deal with a forced withdrawal, which can however be avoided. So let’s go into the details and see what there is to know about it.

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Current accounts, forced withdrawals are triggered: how to avoid paying stamp duty

Default current account

The month of June brings with it the much feared stamp duty on current accounts. In practice, this is a forced withdrawal equal to 34.20 euros per year for individuals and 100 euros for legal entities. The latter is applied in the presence of an average stock exceeding 5 thousand euros. It is therefore easy to understand that in the presence of lower amounts this tax will not be applied.

But not only that, even those who present a Isee less than 7,500 euros, provided that they have submitted a specific request to the bank by 31 May. Alternatively, it is possible to activate a current account, whose bank decides to bear the stamp duty.

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A few examples are clear online current accounts with free stamp duty, which can save you a lot of money. This includes offers from N26, Crédit Agricole and Tinaba. The right solution for those who want to keep their money in the current account, avoiding having to deal with the much feared forced withdrawal.

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