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Current accounts, banking secrecy at risk: what local authorities can do

The Local societies they will be able to access the archive of financial reports, in order to facilitate the collection of taxes and duties of the administrations, owed by the defaulting taxpayer, even coercively. In addition to the Revenue Agency, the Guardia di Finanza and the collection concessionaires, now also Municipalities and Regions will be able to easily obtain sensitive banking data concerning Italian citizens.

Current accounts, access also to local authorities: the directive in the simplification Decree

The directive was inserted through the maxi amendment to Simplification law decree, in the way of approval final tomorrow in the Chamber and will allow access to the information contained inarchive of financial reports of the tax registry to municipalities and local authorities.

As a consequence of these new provisions, there will be an open availability to even more subjects on information about current accounts, deposits and financial relations of Italians, with an inevitable weakening of the very principle of banking secrecy.

A further concession on the viewing of sensitive information contained in the archive, established with Presidential Decree no. 605/1973, which raises more than a few doubts.

Current accounts, access also to local authorities: the legislation

Until now, the Guardia di Finanza itself had to ask for theauthorization to the Revenue Agency for data collection and other specifications present in the archive of financial reports.

The access was almost automatic only for the concessionaires of the collection and for theRevenue Agency since it replaced Equitalia as “collector” of the tax bills, through the establishment ofVein.

Local authorities already had the possibility of processing data contained in thetax registry, as required by the 2020 budget law. With these new provisions, even more specific data will come into possession, such as those contained in the archive of financial reports.

This could result in the emergence of a number of disputes, also due to the necessary access authorizations and tracing of the individual officers authorized to acquire and extrapolate the information of interest. To prevent possible intrusions e violations in the processing of the data, security regulations and controls will also be tightened.

These are precautions made necessary by the importance of this specific sector of the tax registry from where an impressive amount of information passes, from the existence of the relationships and their header, to the amount of movements carried out up to and including initial, final and intermediate balances .

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