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Curious spring: season launch from May 19, 2021

We can almost hear the phew of relief from lovers of cultural outings: the “Curious Spring” festival unveils its 2021 edition from May 19 to June 3 with some fifty events not to be missed.

With the possible reopening of cultural places in the 2nd phase of the deconfinement calendar, “Curious Spring” can take up residence, masked and obviously reduced. As events are held subject to variations in the health situation, we do not hesitate to check the details for each show online.

Visit the website of the Curieux Spring 2021 festival

On the program side, the City of Rouen and its partners have concocted a rich and varied edition both in the disciplines and in the forms offered. Concert, theater, dance, puppets and visits, there is something for all tastes and for all ages during these 3 weeks of culture, and most of the time for free …

Among the shows, we let ourselves be seduced by “Gaston” from Cie La Magouille, “Un corps à soi” by Cie Rémusat or “Plan B” de 2B or Note To B. Also see, the staging of texts by Flaubert – year of the bicentenary of the birth of the author from Rouen oblige – by the Divine comedy, and those ofSophocles’ Antigone by Anthony Poupard. What anchor the “classic” texts in the modern world. And for the pitchouns, head to #LaboVictorHugo where the Cie des Gros ours presents its “Music box”.

To make sure you don’t miss anything, go online to take a tour of the program, organized with an agenda by date. And we are thinking of reserving, quickly, also online. At the risk of repeating ourselves, the gauges are reduced and if the desire to take advantage of a cultural breath is strong, there will not be for everyone. Let the show resume!

Useful information

Curious Spring Festival

From May 19 to June 13, 2021

Various places in Rouen and in the agglomeration

All the programming on curieuxprintemps.fr

Online reservations on Demarches.rouen.fr

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