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Curfew, confinement, restrictions: the Marne department has suffered everything

At 6 p.m. in Reims, a few fleeting shadows slip by under the arcades. Since Saturday, January 2, as throughout the Marne department, residents have deserted the streets after sunset. Some live it badly and others with a little resignation. Since the start of the pandemic, fate seems to be hitting this department. And for good reason, he experienced the first confinement from March 17 to May 11, 2020, the curfew from October 24 to 30, 2020, the second confinement from October 30 to December 15, 2020, followed by two curfews from December 15, 2020. to January 2, 2021 and from January 2, from 6 p.m.

In all, the Marne department experienced 125 days of total or partial exit bans. The 470 restaurateurs in Reims are in despair and they are not the only ones to suffer. For example, at the Italian caterer Ivo Creuso, the clientele is loyal, but the advanced curfew at 6 p.m. is still losing money. Thus, among traders as well as citizens, weariness is great. Enjoying the weekend has become even more precious. And even with a two-degree thermometer, the rare moments of freedom are not denied.

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