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Curaçao Faces Environmental Crisis: Urgent Action Needed to Save Coral and Beaches

“There hasn’t been much rain lately, so the water is getting a little clearer again,” said Drayer. Who really cares about the coral around Curacao. Many access roads were also damaged, and several beaches.

Speed ​​consultation

According to Drayer, most Curacao residents are angry. They now want a sustainable action plan. For nature to recover properly. Something needs to be done to fix dams and drains. “Earlier this year, beaches were also washed away.” So that plan must be put in place now, so that the residents of Curaçao do not experience the same thing again there the few months.

The Prime Minister has now announced an emergency meeting, but nothing concrete has yet emerged. More information on possible plans is expected later today. Restoring beaches in particular can take a long time.


It’s not just the white beaches that are suffering, but the destruction is huge inside as well. This is also the case at Hofi Mango National Park, founded by Jandino Asporaat. When he heard the news, he immediately flew to the island. “What I found was absolute destruction, all the infrastructure of the park is gone,” said Asporaat. “The park is located in a kind of valley, between two dams, so we got the full force of nature. Even parts of the asphalt of the roads have been washed away.”

Not only is the infrastructure gone, many plants have also been washed away. “It’s so painful what happened,” said Asporaat. He recommends better plans for water management and planting more trees. According to him, responsibility must be taken now. He also states that he wants to contribute to solutions himself.

2024-05-06 04:49:24

#Curacao #emergency #weather #lot #destruction

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