What is the story of Cupid’s Undie Run?
The Cupid’s Undie Run started in 2010 in Washington DC, United States. A group of friends came up with the idea of running in their underwear in cold weather to raise awareness and funds for the Children’s Tumor Foundation. Since then, the event has grown and gained popularity, taking place in several cities around the world, including New York City, around the time of Valentine’s Day. The idea of combining a celebratory underwear run and a fundraiser for research into neurofibromatosis, a genetic disease that causes tumors to grow on nerves throughout the body, made waves Cupid’s Undie Run an annual tradition that attracts participants from all walks of life.
What is special about this race?
The particularity of this race is that the participants in la Cupid’s Undie Run often meet at a designated starting point, strip down to their underwear, and then run a short distance together. The event is known for its laid-back, festive atmosphere, with attendees often sporting costumes, themed underwear, or other creative outfits.
@Filip Wolak
The main objective of the Cupid’s Undie Run as said above, it remains to raise funds for the Children’s Tumor Foundation and to support research efforts aimed at finding a cure for NF. Participants typically seek sponsorships from friends, family and colleagues to help with the fundraising aspect of the event.
@Filip Wolak
When and where did the race take place?
This year the race will take place on Saturday February 10. The festivities will begin in front of the DL, 95 rue Delancey at 11:30 a.m. the party will begin with a sweet mix of drinks and dancing, to get participants ready for the one kilometer run around Pier 84 which will officially begin at 2 p.m., as a small blanket of alcohol will be useful for the participants, who will be dressed in their best underwear. Once the finish line is crossed, another evening, this time dancing, will begin.
The Cupid’s Undie Run offers a unique and entertaining way for people to come together, raise awareness for a good cause and contribute to the ongoing efforts to fight against neurofibromatosis.
You can find all the information on their page Facebookas well as on their website Cupid’s Undie Run.
2024-01-29 05:05:21
#Cupids #Undie #Run