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Cupid brings a mustache, the funny play that will bring laughter to older adults in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

action during the pandemic.Elán: Thank you very much forcontinue in our symphony, andI tell you that for the third yearin a row, petra presentingits performance program forolder adults incollaboration with the foundationyolanda.the program has been carried outperformed virtually.and we welcome yourwriter and director marcelrodíguez.reporter: what is thisProgram?this is an initiative fordo an educational program andfun, and also aristicfor older adults of thecity ​​of greater, is oursthird consecutive year andwe created this little work oftheater.elán: what are we going to belooking at the plot?this program is a programof musical theater, whatThe most important thing is that theycommunicate with each other.and it also gives them a characterhopeful to all whoLet’s see this production.elán: calles were thebiggest challenges tohave faced?it is very difficult to work asremotely, not just witholder adults, if not in a waygeneral, for oncethey understood the process,they enjoyed it to the fullest.but I repeat, keep themdistanced, but at the same timecommunicated, it really was agreat challenge.elán: at some point tothese older adults was somelittle while?marcel: I think it was achallenge in general, not onlytechnology, but the newunderstanding of this world.that’s why we want to be aplatform for them tocan communicate in a wayvirtual, and not only existphone platforms, butthere are others a little morecomplicated.elán: and to finish,where we can enjoy thisconstruction site?they can locate us in ourYouTube channel, it is a work

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