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Cuomo warns against crowds when coronavirus cases are so low | Univision 41 New York WXTV

NY. – The governor Andrew Cuomo called the attention of those who demonstrate on the streets against the death of George Floyd that exposure to crowds, such as protests, can advance the outbreak of coronavirus.

“We do not know the consequences of the coronavirus in mass meetings,” Cuomo said in his daily conference on the pandemic.

1,000 new cases of coronavirus and 54 people died from the virus were reported in the state, according to Sunday data.

“That’s the lowest number we’ve had since this started and when we started we were only doing 3,000 or 4,000 tests,” Cuomo said. “The progress is just phenomenal.”

“Is it smart? New York is strong. We went from the worst situation to reopening, from the worst situation to 54 deaths in 50 days. We went from the worst situation to reopening in 93 days. We did it because in New York we are strong “said Cuomo, who stressed that he is with the protesters.

The governor said the reopening process in the western part of the state is near and that New York City will do so on June 8.

Cuomo had given the state dentists the green light to open their offices on Monday during the pandemic. On Sunday, he clarified that the dental offices will be subject to state guidelines on best practices to ensure safety and social distancing between patients and medical staff.

Useful information about coronavirus:

▪ If you belong to a vulnerable health group, please stay home.
▪ If you have traveled out of the country, please call 3-1-1 to find information on the need for a voluntary quarantine.
▪ Call 3-1-1 if you have symptoms of covid-19, such as: fever, cough, shortness of breath, and other breathing-related problems.
▪ Community members with urgent needs or symptoms of covid-19 in New York can call 1-888-364-3065 to find information and a phone book.
▪ If you are over 65 and need assistance with special questions and resources, please contact 1-888-364-3065.
▪ More information about the tests here.
▪ More information published by Univision about the covid-19 is available here.

May 30

NY. – New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced Sunday that the state’s dental offices will be able to open their doors on Monday, June 1.

The reopening of businesses in the state advances as the number of new cases of coronavirus, hospitalizations, tubing and deaths continue to drop, but Cuomo recalled that this is not the time to let down our guard.

“I am authorizing dentists to open their offices throughout the state starting tomorrow, as long as they follow the health and safety guidelines that the state has issued and that we have discussed with them,” Cuomo said in his daily press conference.

From Saturday to Sunday the state reports 1,110 new cases of coronavirus bringing the total in New York to 370,770.
56 deaths were also recorded. The number that Cuomo indicated is very good news and that the state has gone through a kind of hell and that this pandemic has been a lesson for everyone.

Out of control protests

During the press conference, Cuomo had a good time discussing the protests over the death of George Floyd that have been seen across the state. And he criticized many of the actions that have been seen on social networks by some NYPD police officers and said he has already called for an investigation into it. Finally, he commented that the state police and the national guard were ready to assist any local police force that needed help.

Useful information about coronavirus:

▪ If you belong to a vulnerable health group, please stay home.
▪ If you have traveled out of the country, please call 3-1-1 to find information on the need for a voluntary quarantine.
▪ Call 3-1-1 if you have symptoms of covid-19, such as: fever, cough, shortness of breath, and other breathing-related problems.
▪ Community members with urgent needs or symptoms of covid-19 in New York can call 1-888-364-3065 to find information and a phone book.
▪ If you are over 65 and need assistance with special questions and resources, please contact 1-888-364-3065.
▪ More information about the tests here.
▪ More information published by Univision about the covid-19 is available here.

NYC restaurant turned into drive-in movie theater and tickets sold out in minutes


May 30

NY. – A bill that provides benefits for the deaths of frontline workers, who gave their lives while on duty during the pandemic, to be signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo, who said it would “be an honor” to pass it.

The legislation provides benefits to the families of front-line workers who lost their lives due to covid-19. “Providing for their families is the least we can do,” said the governor.

New York reopening

In his daily briefing, Governor Andrew noted that key indicators for reopening continue to drop in New York. “We are not being guided by our opinions, but by the data,” Cuomo said.

As five northern regions of the state (Finger Lakes, Central New York, Southern Tier, Mohawk Valley, and North Country) prepare to enter Phase 2, next week the Capital District, and Western New York will end 14 days of Phase 1.

New York City, the governor reaffirmed, will open on June 8.

“In reopening New York City we focus on the 10 hot spots where infection rates are highest. It is not just a coincidence that the hot spots are in low-income and minority communities. The inequality in health outcomes for this Pandemic is just one of countless inequalities, “said the governor.

The total number of new deaths in the state was 67, the same number reported this Friday, but it is “great progress,” Cuomo said.

May 29

New York City is on track to enter Phase 1 of reopening in the week of June 8, while five northern regions of the state are ready to enter Phase 2, Governor Andrew Cuomo reported Friday in his Informative session. Mayor Bill de Blasio was also present via video conference.

Cuomo said New York City is on track to meet all of its goals for the first week of June, including the capacity of hospitals, the stockpile of protective equipment and a testing and contact tracking program.

“We believe that all this can be done next week and we would be on track to open the following week,” said the governor, who announced that the state will focus on points of interest where there are more coronavirus infections. “We know even the code postcard where the infection rate is higher than average. We will meet the need where it is highest, “he said.

De Blasio said Thursday that phase 1 of the reopening should put 200,000 to 400,000 people to work, and Cuomo reaffirmed this on Friday.

At the conference, the mayor once again noted that the city continues to decrease key indicators: the percentage of people tested positive for coronavirus, the number of people admitted to city hospitals, and the number of people in units Intensive care unit with suspected coronavirus.

However, Cuomo recalled: “Reopening does not mean going back to the past. Reopening means moving towards a new and safer normality.”

Phase 2 for five regions of the state

About the five northern regions that will be able to start phase 2, Cuomo stressed: “I am confident that we can trust this data and the five regions that have been in phase 1 can now move on to phase 2.”

These areas of the state include the Finger Lakes, Central New York, Southern Tier, Mohawk Valley, and North Country.

“The data for these regions has been reviewed by county, regional and state officials, as well as by global virology experts,” Cuomo said.

In phase 2, sidewalk pickup would be included. Hairdressers and barbershops can also reopen with strict rules.

Lowest number since outbreak

With 67 new deaths in the past 24 hours, New York State’s daily death toll from coronavirus reached its lowest level since the spike. Total deaths is 29,591.

Also, 152 new cases were registered, for a total of 368,284.

May 28

New York stores and businesses will now have the legal right to deny entry to people who do not wear masks or face protection, the Governor announced Thursday. Andrew Cuomo.

The governor said he would sign the executive order to enforce the measure that many businesses already employ on their own.

“The store owner has the right to protect himself. That store owner has the right to protect the other customers of the store,” he added.

Furthermore, the governor said the focus will now be on reopening New York City when it “is safe.”

Hospitalizations and intensive care cases fell once again at the state level, while the number of daily deaths remained fixed at 74 for the second consecutive day.

Local celebrities join the fight against the coronavirus

Actors Chris Rock and Rosie Pérez joined the governor in his report Thursday to motivate New Yorkers to abide by joining in the prevention of the coronavirus.

Rock and Pérez, both New York natives, announced that they will participate in an awareness campaign to encourage people to wear masks and follow the rules of social distance, among other prevention measures.

Pérez made a special appeal to the Latino community, which has been one of the most affected by the coronavirus in New York City.

“My people, wear a mask please. This is not a joke, it is not a hoax,” said Pérez.

Articles of interest:

May 27

The governor Andrew Cuomo spoke this Wednesday of his meeting with the president Donald trump yesterday at the White House, where revival plans were discussed.

The focus was on large infrastructure projects, which Cuomo said will be key to boosting the New York economy after it reopens.

“It was about how to overload the reopening, especially in New York, which has been hit hardest.” the governor said in his daily report.

Among the projects discussed is the famous “Gateway” program – a Hudson River rail infrastructure project that has been stalled for years by the federal government – the expansion of the Second Avenue subway, as well as an AirTrain that connects the public transport system with La Guardia airport.

According to Cuomo, some of these projects to repair the country’s old roads and bridges have been necessary for decades. He said that the coronavirus crisis is the perfect opportunity to activate them and at the same time help the economy.

“We continue to live in the infrastructure built by our grandparents, not even our parents,” said Cuomo.

Most projects need funding from the federal government, so Cuomo asked Trump to help speed up his approval.

“If he gives us the green light, it won’t be years of discussion,” Cuomo said. “I have a shovel in my car, we can start this afternoon.”

Once again, Cuomo urged the federal government to put aside political differences and pass a stimulus bill to help state and local governments that have been hit hardest by the pandemic. He said there can be no recovery if states do not receive aid.

Hospitalizations and intensive care cases continued their decline this Wednesday in New York State. Deaths remained relatively stable, rising from 73 to 74 on the last day.

May 26

Hospitalizations for coronavirus in New York fell to their lowest level since the pandemic began, the governor announced Tuesday. Andrew Cuomo.

Deaths also continued to decline with 73 deaths reported on Tuesday, according to figures released by the state. This is the lowest daily figure since 56 deaths were reported on March 23.

“In this absurd new reality, that’s good news,” said Cuomo. “Any time and place we lose 73 New Yorkers, it’s tragic.

Cuomo noted that the number of new coronavirus cases has dropped to the lowest level since monitoring began.

During the peak of infections in April, the average daily number of hospitalizations was over 3,000. Since the pandemic began, 23,561 coronavirus deaths have been reported in New York State.

On the other hand, the governor announced that the Long Island region will start the first phase of reopening this Wednesday, while Mid-Hudson has already started from today. Cuomo said the focus now will be to “monitor” the reopening and “overload” the economy.

In New York City, where the reopening is projected in June, Cuomo said the plan is to “attack the virus at the source,” monitoring the data in each zip code and focusing on the most affected areas, where he explains that the infection rate is as high as 40%.

May 25

On Monday, the Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, celebrated a Memorial Day tribute in New York City.

Cuomo held his daily report on the USS Intrepid, which will hold its annual Remembrance Day ceremony on Monday, but only online.

The governor said that fallen soldiers are like New York’s front line workers fighting the coronavirus. He called them the “heroes” of today.

New York state reported 96 new deaths on Sunday, bringing the death toll to 23,487. It is the second time in a week that the number of daily deaths falls below 100.

Despite approaching the requirements, the Staten Island region will not be able to reopen on its own because it is part of New York City, the governor said.

Furthermore, Cuomo indicated that state and local governments will pay benefits to essential government employees who died of the coronavirus during the pandemic. They include health workers, police officers, firefighters, public transportation workers, and emergency medical workers.

Cuomo said the federal government must remunerate essential workers who helped keep states and municipalities operating during the outbreak.

“We want to make sure we remember them, and we thank our heroes today, and they are all around us,” Cuomo said Monday.

It is final, New York is in the reopening phase: Cuomo

May 24 – The governor Andrew Cuomo He said Sunday that New York is “definitely in the reopening phase,” reiterating both Long Island and the Mild Hudson region will be able to begin the first phase of reopening next week, after more than two months of being on hiatus to contain the outbreak. of coronavirus.

“We just have to be smart,” said Governor Cuomo.

The Long Island region could open on Wednesday, the governor said, adding that the MTA is preparing the transportation system for this to happen. He said that trains, stations and buses will be disinfected daily. In addition, he stated that the use of masks will be required in transportation.

The Mid-Hudson region, meanwhile – encompassing Ulster, Dutchess, Sullivan, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, and Westchester counties – may reopen Tuesday. Cuomo said both areas should increase their contact tracker training.

The president said that the state’s professional sports leagues will be able to carry out outdoor training, as long as they follow the appropriate health protocols.

He also announced that veterinarians can continue their services starting Tuesday.

Furthermore, the state recorded 109 COVID-19 deaths this Sunday, an increase from previous days.

May 23

The governor Andrew Cuomo announced on Friday that Long Island and Mild Hudson will be the next regions to become active after more than two months of being on hiatus to contain the outbreak of coronavirus.

During his daily report on the pandemic, the governor explained that both regions will enter the reopening process if the death rates continue to decrease and online cases are tracked.

The coronavirus crisis in New York started 83 days ago. Westchester County, in Mid-Hudson, at that time became a critical area for the number of cases it reported.

“Both regions could reopen this week. In anticipation of that, we will allow the staging of construction: construction enters phase one, “said the governor.

“Before construction can begin (to operate), there must be a stage, construction and materials must be on site,” he added.

Cuomo also noted that federal assistance to local small businesses has been cut short because aid funds were depleted.

“They are 90% of New York businesses and they face the toughest challenges. The economic projections for small businesses are really scary,” he said.

The governor commented that more than 100,000 small businesses have permanently closed since the pandemic.

“Many small businesses just don’t have the staying power to continue paying all the fixed costs when they don’t have any income,” he said.

The governor added that companies owned by minority communities face “much greater risk” and have received “less in federal aid.”

May 20

While New York State shows signs of progress with the containment of the coronavirus, poor neighborhoods seem to be getting worse, governor announced Wednesday Andrew Cuomo.

According to new figures released by the state, there were a high number of positive cases recorded on antibody tests in poor communities, mostly African American and Latino. Not only this, but it continues to spread in these communities.

The Bronx would be the New York County with the highest number of antibody positive cases, people who have been infected with the virus and have recovered. Cuomo stressed that this number is higher than the city average.

According to the results of the tests, carried out in community churches, the Morrisania neighborhood would be the most affected with 43% of positive cases. It should be noted that more than half of those infected are Hispanic.

Antibody test results:

Positive cases: 43%
Breakdown by ethnicity: African Americans – 42%, Latinos – 56%
Hospitalization rate: 3.26 / 100,000

Positive cases: 41%
Hospitalization rate: 3.26 / 100,000
Breakdown by ethnicity: African Americans – 80%, Latinos – 16%

Positive cases: 35%
Breakdown by ethnicity: African American 38%, Latino 14%
Hospitalization rate: 2.94 / 100,000

Cuomo said the state will develop specific strategies for affected communities.

Northwell Health will expand access to church testing to 44 and SOMOS will open 28 testing sites, with a focus on public housing settings like NYCHA.

In addition, Cuomo said that efforts to educate about social distancing, personal protective equipment (PPE) would be expanded, and that they would also offer disinfectant in these places.

Moreover, the governor announced that hospitalizations and intensive care cases (ICU) have decreased in the state, but deaths increased to 112 since yesterday.

May 19

The governor Andrew Cuomo announced that in the next two weeks, several state hospitals will begin to allow visits as long as the necessary precautions are taken to avoid the spread of the coronavirus.

The governor said Tuesday that people who want to visit their sick family members should wear the necessary protective equipment (PPE) and undergo a temperature check.

Visits have been almost completely banned in state hospitals since March 18, following a government order.

Because hospitalizations and other indicators have been steadily declining, the governor said a pilot program will be implemented to allow admission of visitors to 16 state hospitals, 9 of them in New York City.

On the other hand, the governor announced that the state capital, Albany, will be able to continue with the first phase of reopening starting Wednesday morning.

In addition, the governor said meetings of 10 or fewer will be permitted on Remembrance Day.

The state reported another 105 deaths from the coronavirus on Tuesday, a decrease from the 106 reported yesterday.

May 18

Governor Andrew Cuomo announced Monday that he has tested negative for the coronavirus.

The president did the test during his press conference on Sunday, to demonstrate how simple the process is. Cuomo said he wants more New Yorkers to be tested.

So far, New York has the ability to run up to 15,000 tests a day, but has only been running about 5,000.

“There is no reason why someone should not be tested,” Cuomo said in his report Monday.

On the other hand, this Monday 106 new deaths from coronavirus were reported. Key indicators of hospitalizations and intensive care cases continue to decline.

Another New York region meets criteria for reopening

Governor Cuomo announced that western New York will enter phase 1 of reopening on Tuesday after identifying more than 500 contact trackers. It would be the sixth region in the state to do so.

This Sunday, the governor announced that the capital could also begin the reopening process, when it ensures an indicated number of trackers and personnel to carry out tests.

They will be able to summarize sporting events without spectators

Cuomo urged New York’s professional sports leaders to create an opening plan that does not involve the presence of spectators.

He said he wants people to be able to see his favorite New York teams, but only from home.

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