Home » today » News » Cumbre Vieja: The ash cloud from the La Palma volcano remains in the south of the island without affecting air operations | BE Las Palmas

Cumbre Vieja: The ash cloud from the La Palma volcano remains in the south of the island without affecting air operations | BE Las Palmas

The airspace of the Canary Islands continues unaffected by the consequences of the La Palma volcano eruption and Aena emphasizes that all the islands’ airports are fully operational.

Of course, there are some delays in the Binter morning flights that connect La Palma with Tenerife and Gran Canaria, mainly due to operational reasons. According to airline sources, technical reviews are being carried out on the planes to verify that they are not being affected by the ashes. The airline highlights that, for the moment, the forecast for inter-island flights for today is being maintained. There are a total of 216, of which 17 are with the island of La Palma.

Enaire, which since the beginning of the eruption has been monitoring the evolution of volcanic ash in coordination with Eurocontrol, highlights that, for now, neither of the two ash clouds found on both sides of the volcano are assuming an effect on the air operation and recalls that 730 flights to or from the Archipelago were operated during the day on Thursday.

From the official Twitter account of Air Traffic Controllers it is also noted that it is not expected that this Friday there will be problems at the La Palma airport, except for changes in the direction of the wind that could displace some of those clouds that, right now, remain in the south of the island.

Red level of the aviation code in the sky of the Canary Islands

The National Geographic Institute (IGN) raised the aviation color code in the Canary Islands to red this Thursday due to the evolution of the eruptive column of gases and ash from the La Palma volcano, although this measure does not affect the airspace of the archipelago. Enaire sources indicate.

The IGN points out on social networks that the color red “establishes an adequate protocol for air navigation to be totally safe.”

Restricted areas

Let us remember that Enaire agreed on Thursday to restrict air traffic in two specific areas in the vicinity of the new La Palma volcano to facilitate the operation of emergency services, without the measure affecting commercial flights, which do not fly over that area.

This measure, requested by the Government Delegation in the Canary Islands, establishes two restricted areas, one that goes from the volcano and covers the route of the lava to the coast, and another that coincides with the restricted area for navigation decreed last Monday by the Maritime Captaincy of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

In these two areas, in addition to the emergency services, the security forces and bodies can only operate state aircraft, including those of scientific organizations, and those “duly authorized.”

Enaire points out that in “no case” these two areas are restricted by the direction of the gas cloud, but rather a measure to prevent private drones or media from flying over it.

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