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Culture, shopping, binational couples: return to the measures relaxed to a minimum by the CNS

No, it’s no: the widening of the “social bubble” is not for now. The National Security Council did not waver and decided to keep the number of social contacts “close” to only five people – outside the close family context. A drastic measure that will last until at least September 30.

Is that the “virus is still circulating”, recalled Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès: there is no question of releasing the pressure, despite the constant drop in new cases of contamination in Belgium (534.6 per day on average over the period from 10 to 16 August, a decrease of 13 % compared to the previous week), and a stable level of hospital admissions (unfortunately deaths have increased, to over 10 per day on average).

Ten days before the start of the school year, in a context of crossover with many returns from vacation, the CNS has therefore favored caution, as advised by the GEES experts in charge of the deconfinement strategy.

Nevertheless, the maintenance of the “bubble of five” is widely perceived as severe (Belgium is the only country of the European Union to have adopted such a measure), also the Prime Minister assured to measure “frustration” felt by the population. The CNS has also taken note, entrusting Celeval (the assessment unit for measures taken by the CNS), the care of working on the issue of long-term social contacts (see opposite).

However, what about certain expected flexibilities, in particular from the cultural sector, which has been in agony for several months? Here’s what will change – or not – in detail.

The cultural sector will be able to “fill” a little more

The cultural sector was loudly clamoring for it, asking at least that it be allowed to accommodate a larger audience than at present – capacities were previously limited to one hundred seats indoors, and 200 to outside. These capacities are now doubled, going from 200 seats indoors to 400 outdoors as of September 1. If we are far from the strong gesture demanded by many cultural actors (see p. 7), this doubling of capacities, which is always accompanied by the obligation to wear a mask and social distancing, should relieve a sector which nevertheless remains stricken. Note that this relaxation also applies to sporting events.

The funeral will bring together 50 people from September 1

On the side of smaller gatherings, the CNS has agreed to an exception: this concerns funerals, which from September 1 can count up to 50 people (subject to respecting social distancing and wearing a mask) . Regarding wedding-type gatherings (or a simple party), the “rule of 10” remains in force, but could change in mid-September, at the next CNS.

Do your shopping for as long as you want … and two if you want

Like the cultural sector, trade is suffering in Belgium, burdened by long weeks of forced closure during confinement and a dying summer (see also p. 6). In question, the limitation of the “race time” to thirty minutes chrono and alone … From this August 24 (just a few days before the end of the sales), it will therefore be allowed to do your shopping in pairs and for an indefinite time – the CNS counting on the responsibility of citizens not to abuse this time.

Unmarried binational couples will (finally) be able to meet again

#Loveisessential (love is essential), claimed thousands of binational couples around the world separated for months because of border restrictions to contain the epidemic. These unmarried couples, whose spouse was sometimes in a country (outside the EU) in the red zone, were deprived of a reunion on Belgian soil, such an act constituting in the eyes of the authorities a “non-essential” trip ( hence the message: “loveisessential”). The CNS therefore remedied this situation by authorizing this type of trip – ultimately essential – from September 1, on condition that the spouses can prove at least one year of lasting relationship. Easier said than done: on the side of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we are informed that the modalities (the documents to be provided, in particular) will be established by the Immigration Office. What types of documents are we talking about? Mystery…

Schools in “yellow” code

In the end, the question of the start of the school year remained secondary during this CNS: it is still planned that children can go to school five days a week, subject to compliance with the measures already imposed by the code. “yellow”: hand hygiene, contact with third parties outside the school reduced to a minimum, increased social distancing if necessary. Note that, as with wearing a mask, the situation may vary from one area to another: it is up to the local authorities to adjust the measures if necessary.

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