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Culture – Offenbach am Main – More money for cultural initiatives “without glamor” – Culture

Offenbach (dpa / lhe) – The state also wants to support culture away from the big institutions. Almost two million euros are available for the promotion of so-called socio-cultural centers in 2022, as Minister of Art and Culture Angela Dorn (Greens) reported on Wednesday in Offenbach.

“This means that the doubling targeted for this electoral period has already been achieved,” the ministry said. In the last election period, the state government had already doubled these funds from 450,000 euros in 2015 to almost one million euros in 2019.

The state working group of cultural initiatives and socio-cultural centers in Hesse (LAKS) includes 42 initiatives in Hesse – for example the culture and leisure center in Marburg, the generation house Bahnhof Hümme in Hofgeismar and the cultural center Hafen 2 in Offenbach, where Dorn was a guest on Wednesday.

“Socio-cultural centers are an indispensable part of Hesse’s colorful cultural infrastructure,” said Dorn. “Socioculture reaches many different people – regardless of their origin, their age, their profession. It is therefore very valuable for an important goal of our cultural policy: everyone should be able to participate in cultural life.”

The state working group was pleased with the higher funding: “Cultural policy is democracy policy. The actors are not for high gloss and rarely the focus of the feature pages,” said managing director Bernd Hesse. “However, they provide competent, reliable and with attitude all year round for cultural diversity, cultural education, participation and participation, promotion of creativity or cultural integration.”

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