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[Culture & Loisirs] BD to deconfinate in peace

BOOKS. Pending the return of new products next week at your bookstores, here is a small selection of what you could have missed during your confinement … Catch-up session.

The cost of breakdown

Author with undeniable comic power but also tortured artist, Manu Larcenet returns with a new comic strip of which he is the cursed hero. In Group Therapy, published by Dargaud, the author of Blast and the Brodeck Report returns to exploring his own turpitudes, as he did with humor and tenderness in Le Retour à la terre (Dargaud) and Le sens de la vis (Les Rêveurs) with his accomplice Jean-Yves Ferri. This time, it is the anxiety of the blank page, the failure of inspiration of the author which is analyzed by summoning the great masters of painting, the philosopher Nietzsche and even God the father. A mind-blowing journey into the imagination of an author with an incredibly varied graphic palette, for what once again looks like a masterpiece …

T1 group therapy The dancing star. By Manu Larcenet. At Dargaud.

An encounter

Arthur, an introverted and hypochondriac young man, seems spectator of his own life according to the hallucinations and ghosts that populate his daily life in Brussels. A daily suddenly upset by his meeting with Sandrine, a rascal artist who exposes her projects to her and takes her to discover La Quincaillerie. A place (which really existed) of meetings, exchanges and debates for alterglobalists who watch with amazement the Trump wave going up in the United States. After a busy evening, Sandrine throws herself in her bed to disappear in the early morning. Upset by this impromptu meeting, Arthur wonders what planet this young woman comes from who prompted him to take control of his life … Another scenario skillfully woven by Vincent Zabus for this positivist fable with very original narration. Thomas Campi also has a regal design for this delightful little UFO BD.

Awakening. By Vincent Zabus and Thomas Campi. At Delcourt.

My neighbor this superhero

José Ramòn is a needy, shy and lonely student, who spends his days in his room preparing for his competition in a heavy gloom. His quiet life changes the day he meets his neighbor to compensate. A certain Javier, journalist for a local gazette by day, handsome, selfless and self-absorbed kid who becomes Titan, the superhero, at night. A neighbor who quickly turns into this invasive friend who disrupts the rhythm of José Ramòn’s peaceful life according to his heartache, his family moods and his battles against Dr Tentacle. Exploring the intimate life of a superhero with squeaky humor and a hectic rhythm, the Spanish Santiago Garcia and Pepo Perez offer a cheerful and surprising object, which has even been the subject of a series adaptation on Netflix.

The neighbor, by Santiago Garcia and Pepo Perez. At Dargaud.

Calamity Jane (s)

Deep in the Arizona desert, at the time of the gold fever. Not far from the mining town of Gold City, stagecoach attacks are increasing, to the point that the legend even speaks of ghosts. The convoys, their wealth and their passengers disappear body and well in the most total mystery. They actually had the misfortune to pass on the territory of the inhabitants of Hippolyte. A city hidden at the bottom of a canyon where Abby, Victoria and the others live. A ruthless bunch of amazons who build up a little war chest by stripping the unwary. Their little world is on the verge of tipping over when, suddenly, a spy is intercepted, an attack goes awry and an old acquaintance resurfaces. A 100% feminine western that clashes with two fine triggers in the making: the scriptwriter Clotilde Bruneau and Carole Chaland, a designer from the world of video games.

Hippolyte. By Clotilde Bruneau and Carole Chaland. At Vents d’Ouest.

In the skin

In Renaissance Italy, Bianca, the daughter of a good family, was promised in marriage to Giovanni, a wealthy merchant. But this independent and sensitive young woman is not very excited about the idea of ​​marrying a man she does not know, even if she understands the challenges of this circumstance alliance. Seeing her agitation, her godmother then decides to make her share the secret of the women of her family. These have a man’s skin, a magic object which allows the woman who puts on it to transform into a handsome young man. Thanks to her, Bianca will be able to approach her fiancé discreetly … Bold scenario and engaging graphics, Peau d’homme offers a brilliant and touching fable on the feminine condition, sexuality, morals and love. A real favorite signed by the scriptwriter of Miss Pas Touche and the designer of L’île aux femmes.

Man’s skin. By Hubert and Zanzim, at Glénat.

Little last

Once upon a time, in a deep forest, a lumberjack made an astonishing discovery. A gigantic abandoned baby crying loudly in its swaddling clothes. Himself the father of a family, the good man could not bring himself to leave the little girl to her sad fate, however great she may be. And since he and his wife had only had six boys until then, they decided to keep with them this seventh and huge mouth to feed, baptizing it Celeste. Surrounded by her loving family, Céleste grows quickly and well. Until the day that what was to happen happened. Like her elders who have set off on their own, the gigantic Céleste also wanted to go discover the world … An identity quest, an initiatory tale and an ode to tolerance, this drawn tale is a breath of fresh air, brilliantly written by Jean -Christophe Deverney and delicately illustrated by the Spanish Nuria Tamarit. A jewel.

Giant. The story of the one who traveled the world in search of freedom. By JC Deveneur and Nuria Tamarit. At Delcourt.

Sébastien Gignoux,

with Le Repaire de la Murène in Saint-Denis

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