How have some cultural videos from Vitoria-Gasteiz reached million views on YouTube? This is the question that is asked Roots of Europethe entity behind a channel about culture and art.
It has been more than 20 years since this association began hold conferences to understand the world, its art and its culture. Some talks that were open to the enjoyment of Vitorians and that were exclusively in person.
In 2011, the members of the entity decided to record these talks and from time to time uploaded them to YouTube without knowing that years later they would go viral and attract viewers from all over the world. And his videos They have achieved more than a million viewseven fans in America.
His channel grew with the pandemic
The ‘boom’ of his channel was as a result of the pandemic. A few months in which activities were canceled and all citizens locked themselves in their homes. Raíces de Europa thought about how it could help in this situation and decided to upload it to YouTube those conferences that they had previously recorded but that never came to light.
Image of a conference recorded by Raíces de Europa. Photo: Roots of Europe.
In 2020 the channel had 6,000 subscribers, 50,000 in 2021 and now 222,000 people from all over the world follow Raíces de Europa on YouTube.
Today Raíces de Europa feels grateful for this welcome since it is a channel with cultural content and long-form videos. And it is that one in three viewers watches the videos from start to finish. Content that lasts between 20 minutes and more than an hour.
The channel has followers in Mexico, the United States and Argentina
The canal also crosses the pond and is seen beyond our borders. “They see us throughout the Spanish-speaking world,” explains José Alipio Morejón Ramos, president of the association. Spain is number 1, but is followed by countries like Mexico, United States or Argentina. Even followers from those countries have come to Vitoria-Gasteiz to learn about the association and to live the experience of watching a conference in person and not through a screen.
The director of the association has also been called to give free entry to a colloquium to a family member. Some lecturers have even given their talk in front of a family or a group of friends as a small committee. And Raíces de Europa has been the link between them.
Videos about Babylon or the Persian Empire are the most visited
This community has grown so much in recent years that some of its videos have reached three million views. The videos that are most interesting talk about “ancient history, roots of Europe and art”. But videos that in some way are related to current events also attract attention. And a recording about the Slavs, for example, had its ‘boom’ when the war in Ukraine began.
His most viral videos are about the Sumerians, Babylon, Judea or the Persian Empire. All of them exceed one million views. But Roots of Europe addresses issues that go beyond history. You can find videos that talk about the music of Coldplay or the sculptures of Chillida.
You find videos that talk about Coldplay’s music or Chillida’s sculptures
University professors are in charge of giving these conferences. Above all, they are professors from the UPV/EHU, La Rioja, Navarra, Burgos or Complutense de Madrid. “Expert university professors and professors who try to combine rigor with dissemination,” explains the director of Raíces de Europa.
Finally, Raíces de Europa explains that his success on YouTube will not influence his face-to-face conferences. The association does not want to lose the essence of organizing colloquia with reduced capacity and refuses to put all the talks online: “It has to be a small thing, that’s why we do it in person.”
What is the Roots of Europe association?
Raíces de Europa is an association from Vitoria that has more than 500 members from here and around the world. An entity that wants to study and disseminate European history and art beyond the continent.
Although the entity began organizing conferences in 2003, it does not only have that project in hand. Throughout these almost 25 years Raíces de Europa has organized 170 cultural trips, hundreds of courses and conferences, a film festival and projects such as Ermitaraba. An initiative for ‘urbanites’ of Vitoria to get to know the Alava hermitages. He is also behind projects such as the creation of a crucified Christ made by artist Antonio López.
2024-04-06 10:42:15
#Vitorian #videos #history #millions #views #YouTube