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Cultural Festival 2023 starts in García

  • The cold and the rain did not prevent young and old from enjoying the events scheduled during the first day of the festival

García, NL.- The rain and low temperatures were present this Thursday in García, but even so, tourists did not stop visiting.

Hundreds of people, including entire families, enjoyed the Thursday afternoon and evening of the tourist activities and shows of the 2023 García Cultural Festival, Tierra Mágica del Cacomixtle.

Organized by the Departments of Culture and Tourism, the attendees also toured the large houses through the streets of the Historic Center and took advantage of the free transfers to Xenpal.

During the first day of festival activities in the Main Square and its surroundings, passers-by enjoyed the TuriMóvil, vehicles in which they toured the streets of García to learn about the history of the old houses, although many also did so on foot.

The show “Alebrijes” Rockstar Show and the story “Guadalupe Retozón”, from the Percha Teatro captured the attention of young and old.

They could not miss the stalls with Mexican appetizers, fresh waters, churros and other snacks around the square.

To close with a flourish, the passers-by danced and sang to the music of the northern group “Destinado”.

The activities of the 2023 García, Tierra Mágica del Cacomixtle Cultural Festival will continue on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, so the municipal authorities invite citizens and tourists to enjoy them with the family.

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