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‘Cultural appropriation of a western fabrication’ | What you say

Since when is wearing a certain hairstyle a reason to apologize? Well, apparently at this time when the whole woke culture has become deeply rooted.

Cultural appropriation must really be one of the greatest crown jewels of this totally blown identity ideology. Wearing or expressing other cultures is something very beautiful, isn’t it? Doesn’t acquainting yourself with other cultures show that we accept these cultures?

No, in this day and age it mainly means that you are a huge racist and you have to apologize immediately. If someone in America dresses up like a Dutchman in a country smock for Halloween and pretends to be stoned, must I feel extremely hurt because it is a stereotype? Stop it!

In Ms Koblenko’s case, it’s actually even more sad, considering she wore this hairstyle because it’s beautiful. But since when do people own a certain culture? Can I only do braids in my hair if a select group of people approve? It is something that bothers me but at the same time also works on my laughing muscles.

Another good example of why cultural appropriation is the biggest nonsense of our time is a performance by Katy Perry. In this performance she was dressed like a Japanese Geisha. Twitterers and media in America were shameful and Ms. Perry had to apologize immediately, because “how dare she just dress like a Japanese woman !?” While politically correct America was very concerned about this, the Japanese really wondered what exactly was the problem. During a voxpop of a Youtuber there were really only enthusiastic and positive reactions to the performance of Katy Perry. They saw it as a great honor that she dressed so beautifully and made use of Japanese clothing and culture.

That is actually the most disturbing thing about this whole discussion, that people are going to speak for others. Cultural appropriation is a problem made up by Western millennials who want to show how immensely good they are and stand up for others, while the people of the cultures in question look questioning and laughing at how these people are concerned about their culture. ‘which is supposedly stolen.


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