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Cultivating Straw Mushrooms That Produce Cuan, Here Are The Tips

Illustration of Mushroom Cultivation. Photo: Ist/Net

Mushroom cultivation is one of the profitable businesses. Because, like oyster mushrooms, the demand for this mushroom has never experienced a significant decline, but instead increased.

Now mushrooms have become part of the daily staple food. Both restaurants, cafes, to fresh vegetable depots, often serve a variety of mushroom-processed menus.

Also read: White Oyster Mushroom, Here’s How to Cultivate It Easy

So it is not surprising that many want to cultivate mushrooms. Especially with treats that are high in vitamins and protein.

In fact, the climate in Indonesia also supports the smooth cultivation of this mushroom.

Here’s How to Cultivate Straw Mushrooms

Mushroom has a Latin name Volvariella volvacea is a species of mushroom plant. Its benefits for body health are very well known, especially for Asian residents, such as Japan and Indonesia.

As a tropical plant, mushroom requires a place with humidity ranging from 80% to 85%. While the temperature he needs is 30 to 38 degrees Celsius with the pH level of the growing media between 5.0 to 8.0.

The appearance of this edible mushroom looks white and fat, has a hood with a diameter ranging from 5 to 14 cm. While the stem only reaches 5 to 9 mm.

When still young, these mushrooms are grayish brown. But when the spores have started to ripen, this fungus changes its color to pink.

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You can actually cultivate mushrooms by using planting media such as cardboard, sago powder, sawdust, or rice straw. However, the best advice for mushroom cultivation is to use straw (straw) as a growing medium.

For the cultivation steps, please refer to the reviews below.

Kumbung Making

Kumbung is a place to cultivate edible mushrooms. This place has a very big role in the success of your cultivation.

This is none other than because the fungus can only grow well in a humid place and a certain temperature. Then the place of cultivation should be set properly so that it can meet the needs of the edible mushroom that you will cultivate.

To minimize the cost of mushroom cultivation, you can make a simple kumbung. The trick is to form a kind of hut or small house, just made of bamboo or wood.

When making it, of course there must be preparation of tools and materials. Chances are you will need something like bamboo, wood, nails, hammer, styrofoam, portable lights, electric blowers, and heaters.

How to make it, you can first determine the size you need. The general size is 4 x 6 meters with a height of 2.5 meters.

For wall needs, you can cut the wood according to that size. Then, you can cover it with plastic or styrofoam, so it can stay warm even when the air temperature is cold.

The next step how to cultivate straw mushrooms is to make a shelf. Make two or three, according to your needs. Each shelf is composed of 3 to 5 levels as a growing medium for edible mushrooms.

Just make the shelf using bamboo, and facilitate it with an electric blower so that it can circulate air. Place the rack inside the beetle.

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In addition, to maintain a stable room temperature, you can install a portable lamp or room heater. Make the kumbung as tight as possible so that the humidity is perfectly maintained.

You need to remember, this mushroom is anti direct sunlight. So that the kumbung you make is without ventilation or any holes that can provide a way for sunlight to enter.

More precisely, this fungus actually requires a lot of oxygen and indirect sunlight.

If you are interested in cultivating this mushroom for a long time, you can immediately make the kumbung using iron or walls.

Mushroom Breeding Process

The second step is to choose the seeds of the edible mushroom. Choose seeds with the best quality, so that later the most superior mushrooms will be born.

To make things easier, we will show you a method for choosing superior mushroom seeds, which are as follows:

1. Buy mushroom seeds or bring some mushroom seeds from a farm that also cultivates edible mushrooms.

2. Next, cut the seeds, then flush using warm clean water. Put the mushroom pieces in a place like a saucepan or something.

3. Beat the chopped mushroom in a bowl and add the raw husk powder and close the lid tightly.

4. After the next 2-4 days, open the pot to make sure your nursery succeeds or fails. A sign if the seedling is successful, white fibers will be seen in the container.

Preparing Planting Media

Some of the materials you need for the success of this mushroom cultivation medium. Such as straw, rice bran, cotton, dolomite, cassava and water.

The first process, arrange the straw by piling it up until it reaches a thickness of 15 cm, then flush it with water. Next, stack it with piles at the top, and give another pile of hay.

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Do this step until the length reaches 4 meters, the width is 2.5 meters, while the height reaches 1.5 meters. When the preparation is complete, wrap it in plastic, so that the composting process can be faster.

Continue with executing the other media. Like soaking cotton for 4-6 days, where every day you have to consistently turn it over twice.

This reversal in mushroom cultivation serves to make the planting medium more even so that the mushrooms can grow well on it.

After two days of hay and hemp accumulation, sprinkle dolomite and rice bran. The sowing process is quite complicated. Combine 24 dolomite with 40 kg of rice bran and stir until the mixture is smooth.

Next, you can cut and sort the haystacks and piles into several. The height is quite 15 to 20 cm. Flush each part of the pile with water.

Only after that, you can sprinkle the dolomite dough and rice bran on it evenly. After sowing is complete, close the lid tightly and let stand for up to 2 days.

Inverting Planting Media

The method of reversing the planting media in mushroom cultivation is aimed at making composting tools work well. Reversal provisions include the following.

1. When you have left the planting medium for 2 days, then proceed to the first stage of reversing. Then let stand the planting medium again.

2. After two days, do the second stage of reversal and leave it for two days as before.

3. Repeat the reversal in the same way for the third stage. Later, the correct planting media will show a dark brown-black color, become soft, and watery.

Inserting Planting Media into Kumbung

The next stage of mushroom cultivation is to move the planting medium into the kumbung that you have made. Move the planting medium to the rack in the kumbung.

The suggestion is, so that the temperature stability of the growing media is maintained, put the growing media downwards, the thicker it is. After the pile of hay and the mixture is neatly arranged, just spread the cotton on it evenly.

Done, the planting medium is ready for mushroom growing. Again make sure that your kumbung is not leaking and is tightly closed.

Sowing Mushroom Seeds

Mushroom Cultivation
Mushroom Cultivation

Starting to the next stage of mushroom cultivation, namely sowing seeds into the planting media that is already available in the kumbung. Very easy way. Just spread the herbal seeds throughout the planting medium evenly.

Continue to monitor and pay attention to the temperature and humidity levels of the kumbung. Regularly watering with enough water can help stabilize the humidity.

After sowing the seeds, make sure you get out and cover the kumbung tightly. You can see the success of the nursery in approximately 2 to 4 days. Later, white fibers will appear which indicates the nursery was successful.

Leave the seeds in a tightly closed position in a container.

Mushroom Treatment

This part of the treatment also supports the results of mushroom cultivation. The reason is that the mushroom grows well, the temperature and humidity of the kumbung must always be maintained.

Therefore, always close your kumbung tightly. Do not let the kumbung floor dry. Just water the floor regularly.

You also need to spray the planting media so that moisture stability is maintained. In spraying, make sure the spray water hits the mushroom body.

Do this method 2 times a day on a regular basis. In addition, also do the cleaning by removing parasitic fungi that grow on the sidelines of the growth of edible mushrooms.

Harvesting Mushrooms

The results will be optimal if you carry out well the cultivation of this straw mushroom from stage to stage. The mushroom harvest period ranges from 10 to 11 days after sowing the mushroom seeds.

However, you must balance these provisions by always maintaining the stability of temperature and humidity. When it’s time for harvest, the mushroom will show its characteristics.

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It will reach 3-6 cm in length, while the buds have not yet opened. Harvest immediately, because mold growth will take place more quickly.

How to harvest mushroom can not be arbitrary. But you have to do it by turning it slowly.

Apply this method from the top to the bottom. If there is still compost left on the mushrooms, you should clean them to protect the moisture of the mushrooms you have harvested.

Diseases that often attack in mushroom cultivation

There are always challenges in cultivation, including in this case. Some diseases can attack the fungus and can derail your business.

To deal with these risks, below we have prepared several kinds of diseases in edible mushrooms and how to overcome them.

1. Wet Bubble

The disease that interferes with the cultivation of this mushroom comes from spores Pernicious Mycogone. Insects, flies, to the flow of water can be the largest contributor to this disease.

Mushrooms infected with wet bubble disease will appear wet bubbles. To overcome the problem of mushroom cultivation on this one, use a fungicide with active ingredients such as benomil as well as karbendazim.

2. Paecilomyces Variotii

It is a pathogenic fungus that survives temperatures below 80 degrees Celsius. This parasite often hits the compost with a white powder-like appearance.

Handling in mushroom cultivation is very easy, just remove the contaminated compost from the kumbung.

3. Sibrina Fungicola

This one pathogen more often comes when the first days of the stadium Mushrooms are formed with the target of the attack, namely the stem and mushroom hood.

The disease is spread due to organic remains. Therefore, the only way to deal with it is to maintain cleanliness regularly and regularly.

From the above review, we can draw a conclusion. To get maximum results in the cultivation of this plant is the patience to do it.

Starting from kumbung preparation, care, to harvesting edible mushrooms. Everything must be done carefully and thoroughly, so that the mushrooms do not lose their temperature and humidity.

However, considering that there are promising advantages, there is no harm in starting to try this one cultivation. Cultivating it provides opportunities for high income. Consuming it can increase the intake of nutrients and nutrients.

How? Immediately apply mushroom cultivation right now. (R10/HR-Online)

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