Home » today » Entertainment » Cuban star Rosita Fornés suffers from a serious lung disease in Miami

Cuban star Rosita Fornés suffers from a serious lung disease in Miami

The Cuban star Rosita Fornés she is seriously ill and her doctors cannot do more for her, she reported in Miami Rey González, administrator of the artist’s official website.

Precisely through your wall on the social network Facebook, González commented that “Rosita has been admitted several times in these months but now, apparently, they can no longer do anything in the hospital where she was and they sent her to spend these, apparently her last days, with your closest family and friends. “

The artist has been in Miami for months, where weeks ago it became known about her 97th birthday celebration surrounded by her relatives residing in the US.

“The last great appearance of the artist was on the anniversary of the 60-year artistic career of Master Meme Solis. So I did not want to inform you that I was already carrying a small oxygen balloon so that I could breathe. They took it away seconds before going on stage With her professionalism, no one noticed that, although she sang, she joked and she looked magnificent as always, she was already resentful of her lungs, “González said.

“The public has not known for how many times this self-sacrificing artist has had to undergo surgery for different health problems from the 90s to today. She always came out ahead, recovered when many thought that she could not act or walk anymore. The force The will she has had has given her the strength to have one of the longest careers in the history of a singer, actress, dancer, “she said.

Despite communicating the painful news, Rey González said he was making the situation public “with the hope that once again the miracle of the unexpected recovery of this great woman will take place.”

Recognized as the great vedette of Cuba, Rosita Fornés, with a long and extensive artistic career in television, cinema, theater and show business, built a solid career as a singer and actress.

The artist, who debuted at the age of 18 at the Havana Comedy Theater, has embarked on an unstoppable career since 1941, standing out in lyrical singing with the performance of operettas and operettas by the hand of great Cuban authors, such as Ernesto Lecuona and Rodrigo Prats, but also in theater and radio.

Another of his spaces was the cinema, which allowed him to cross the borders of the Island and at the age of 22 to conquer the stages of Mexico, and in the Arbeu, Lírico, Follies and Tívoli theaters he starred in many music magazines with great success, for which reason the Association of Journalists proclaimed it in 1946 “First Vedette of Mexico” and later “Best Vedette of America”.

In the cinema he made his first appearance in 1939 on the Cuban film A dangerous adventure, which was followed Musical Romance in 1941, but later he took part in the Mexican filmography, in which he participated in a dozen movies, including Women are over, The meat rules and From can can to mambo.

Also in the post-1959 cinema he made memorable appearances in films like It is exchanged and Secondary roles, both in the 1980s, under the orders of Juan Carlos Tabío and Orlando Rojas, respectively.

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