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Cuban porphyrite stone unloaded to be used in the Mayan Train in Mexico

Despite the fact that various activists have shown with videos and photographs the damage to coral reefs and the devastation of important areas of the jungle, this Saturday the landing of 20,000 tons of porphyrite stone from Cuba that will be used as ballast for the Mayan Train, famous work of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in southeastern Mexico.

“It is an illegal project that promises progress through ecocide,” insists the activist José Urbina, Pepe Shark. “We will be left without jungle, without water due to a proselytizing campaign,” commented the diver who uploaded an image of “indiscriminate” logging to open a path to disembark from the ship Melody rajón stone from Cienfuegos (Cuba).

This ship’s anchor damaged a “coral reef” that takes years to grow and mature. The biologist from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Unam), Roberto Rojo, said that he committed a “federal crime” because among the destroyed corals there is a species protected by NOM-059 of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources.

Alberto Friscione told EFE that more vigilance is required from the environmental authorities, because despite the fact that the ship docked in an anchoring area, which is between two natural reserves, Puerto Morelos reefs and the Gran Caribe reserve, they did not they took the necessary care to prevent the anchor from causing damage.

This Saturday the operation began shortly after dawn with the transfer of the barge that transports the porphyrite stone from the ship Melody to the fiscal dock of Puerto Morelos, at this point the dump trucks are loaded with the ballast and the journey begins until reaching the Ruta de los Cenotes.

The disembarkation and transfer of the material that will serve as ballast for the Mayan Train tracks is carried out in the middle of the Easter holiday season, one of the most important in the country.

The secretary of Territorial, Urban and Sustainable Development, Armando Lara De Nigris, confirmed that with the resumption of operations it will be possible to continue unloading the stone through a barge to make the transfer to the point from Puerto Morelos with almost 250 and 300 turns. daily that are being carried out.

During a tour that EFE carried out through the area, local workers indicated that the transfer of the material will be carried out 24 hours a day, until the 20,000 tons that arrived in this first shipment that is made from the island of Cuba to Puerto Morelos.

The dump trucks that transport the material circulate in the tourist area of ​​Puerto Morelos, in front of hotels and tourists who cycle or walk through the popular area.

According to data collected, the ship Melody it cannot dock at the pier due to the shallow depth of the area and for this reason the stone must be transported in special boats.

The stone came aboard the ship Melody since last March 1, but in the first weeks it could not be downloaded due to various meteorological phenomena that affected the region.

In mid-March, the local authorities announced a road operation to transport the material and announced that everything was ready to guarantee the safety of the population.

The municipality of Puerto Morelos is the only one that will have two Mayan Train stations, due to the fact that one part of its territory is located on the Cancun-Playa del Carmen highway and the other on the Cancun-Mérida highway.


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