The Cuban comedian Lázaro Hernández, known as “Vititi” or “El Flaco”, has shared his experience about the censorship he has faced on the island’s television, as well as the rejection of the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC ), a government organization.
Through TikTok, Hernández has posted interview videos in which he reveals that he has faced multiple incidents of censorship due to his work in the media. According to him, it is not an isolated event, but several.
He recalls a particularly difficult situation during a show in the Bayamo plaza in front of thousands of people. At that time, he made a joke that said: “Cuban Television was invented by Isaac Newton.” However, they questioned him: “How come Isaac Newton? He invented the law of gravity. His response was forceful: “And you want something more serious than Cuban Television?” As a result of that incident, he was summoned to an office where they showed him the video of his joke and suffered the consequences. Both he and other colleagues stopped working for months.
Hernández also mentioned another incident that occurred on the humorous television show “Kicking the Can,” where a joke was removed because he was wearing a cap that said “New York Yankees.” In short, his experience has been fraught with obstacles and he claims that he has more than enough material to write a book on it.
In addition to the censorship on television, Hernández shared how his attempt to join UNEAC was thwarted. According to him, he was not accepted due to the perception that his humor was too strong for the organization. Although he recognized that he adapted his style according to the scenario, the UNEAC did not understand this difference. For him, strong humor is what the public currently prefers in nightclubs, and intelligent humor no longer works in the same way.
Lázaro Hernández gained popularity on the island thanks to humorous programs on television such as “Kicking the can” and “A otro con ese cuento.” Despite his successes, he has had to face numerous obstacles and censorship that has prevented him from expressing himself freely in the media.
2023-07-13 01:37:25
#Cuban #comedian #Vititi #reveals #censorship #television #experience #UNEAC