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Cuban artist Rolando Pulido dies in New York

| 16/01/2021 – 2:35pm (GMT-4)

Exiled Cuban designer and artist Rolando Pulido died Friday night in a hospital in the Bronx, New York City, at the age of 58.

“Our beloved brother, Rolando Pulido, rested last night, grateful from the heart for all the solidarity that we all transmit to him until the end”, announced the writer Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo.

Pulido left Cuba at age 18 during the Mariel exodus in 1980. Since that year, he has lived in New York where, in addition to having collaborated with the image design and advertising of emblematic places such as the Blue Note jazz club, Cooper’s bar, Strand bookstore, or the stages of the legendary Saturday Night program Live, has provided his services to the cause for the freedom of Cuba.

For his part, Pardo previously expressed that Pulido “is one of the most creative designers in Cuban civil society” and has voluntarily been one of the creators of “its modern image”, without having charged any money for this work.

It was the writer himself who days before launched a fundraising campaign to help Pulido, who was admitted to the hospital and had lost the ability to walk.

“Our help was never used for his physical therapy. There was no time to reach that recovery phase. Rolando spent his last days in a hospital in the Bronx surrounded by friends who could visit him, and cared for by a competent and compassionate staff, “he said.

As the author had explained, Pulido, born in the province of Cienfuegos, was “feeling cold” and in solitude, needing physical therapy that would allow him to walk again. “Like every beautiful man, like every young man,” this situation “has weighed down his will to live,” he said.

Regarding the destination of the collection, Pardo added: “We are considering immediately giving back to each one of you your generous help. Or propose another use, always related to the work and memory of our Rolando Pulido, but respecting his last wish not to make public tributes ”.

“I am responsible for mediating any proposed decision with you, as well as for communicating with you one by one,” he added. “For years and years, he has gifted us all with the beauty of his work and the goodness of his soul,” he had previously commented on Pulido.

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