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Cuba, Raul Castro | The CIA planned to assassinate Raúl Castro in 1960

The CIA made its first known attempt to assassinate Cuba’s former president Raúl Castro as far back as 1960, according to downgraded documents.

Fidel Castro, who ruled the country for almost half a century after the revolution in Cuba, survived several hundred American attempts to kill him.

Raúl, who took over when his brother became seriously ill, also did not escape similar attempts.

Recently downgraded documents show that plans to kill Fidel’s brother began in 1960, the year after the revolution. 89-year-old Raúl resigned this weekend from the Communist Party’s most powerful position, as he announced four years ago. Fidel died in 2016.

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Offered money

A CIA-recruited pilot named José Raúl Martínez was offered $ 10,000 to arrange an “accident” while flying Castro from Prague to Havana, according to the downgraded documents.

If the pilot had lost his life in the operation, the CIA would ensure a university education for his two sons.

After the pilot went to Prague, the CIA’s department in Havana was told by the US headquarters to drop the plans.

– Do not move on. We’re dropping the case, was modest.

– Creepy past

The pilot, with whom they were unable to get in touch, told his mediator on arrival back in Cuba that he had not had the opportunity to arrange the accident as planned.

“These documents remind us of a dark and eerie past of US operations against the Cuban revolution,” Peter Kornbluh, an analyst at the National Security Archive, told AFP.

Also read: The CIA suspects a former employee of having contributed to the killing of a dozen spies

“Now that the Castro era is over, American politicians have the opportunity to put this story behind them and contribute to Cuba’s future after Castro,” he said.

(© NTB)


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