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CSD: what future for work after the pandemic?

This text is part of the special Syndicalism section

The pandemic crisis has called into question all the certainties of our Western societies. The failures of the system have been highlighted, solidarity is severely tested. Work, which represents one of the pillars of our lives, has also been put to the test, believes the president of the Central of Democratic Trade Unions (CSD), Luc Vachon, who warns that all lessons must be learned from this crisis.

“We must take advantage of the current lessons of the crisis to bring to the surface the flaws and weak elements of our society, testifies the president of the plant. This crisis should be an opportunity to put everything back on track and to question ourselves about the future of the province in general, and more particularly that of work. What is our socio-economic vision in Quebec? What society do we want to leave to our children? These are the most important questions to ask yourself. “

To avoid social contact as much as possible, teleworking was put in place as a matter of urgency in all the companies where it was possible to apply it. The transition to virtual, a subject that has been on the negotiating table between unions and employers for decades, has jumped several years in a few months. However, employees, especially in the tertiary sector, not always well trained in their new digital tasks, have experienced a difficult adaptation.

A more just and equitable society

“You really have to adapt the workforce to this change. Training must be the basis of new jobs as well as old ones. Throughout their working life, employees must be trained in the changes inherent in their profession. We saw it with the virtual transition, it goes very quickly. At the CSD, we offer several solutions. We want as many people as possible to work, but very well trained people. Dual training must be put in place. It is a work-study training that allows new workers to benefit from increased training while putting it into practice in the field. And for workers already in place, it is necessary to free up working time for training. Several support measures can be developed for this, ”explains Mr. Vachon.

The future of work is closely linked to the repercussions of societal transformations. The organization of work is changing, and workers are caught in a vice, they undergo transformations. The change in work brings difficulties for workers. In addition to training, equity and the sharing of wealth must become a priority.

“This crisis has not had negative effects for everyone. Some have become more rich than reason. We want a better redistribution of wealth throughout society. Inequalities must be reduced. Let us take advantage of this special situation to make Quebec a more just and equitable society, ”continues the president of the CSD. “The pandemic has refocused us on the importance of what is done at home. We must encourage the local economy and remain master of our destiny. The manufacturing sector, for example, which has been neglected for decades, must be brought back to the heart of the negotiations. The development of work in the regions too. “

Difficult negotiations

Negotiations between the social partners and the government are difficult. Bill 59 aimed at modernizing occupational safety and health is a blatant example of this. The unions are not satisfied with the latest amendments to the bill. For them, the compensation of employees who are victims of an industrial accident will be more difficult. Several demonstrations took place throughout the province on April 28, the national day of commemoration of the injured at work, and others are scheduled for the 1is May for the traditional annual parade in Montreal.

“Work must once again become the center of development in Quebec, but there is still a long way to go. Bill 59 is one example. We must learn the lessons from this crisis, which has exposed several flaws. We have to redefine certain axes of our society so that it looks like what we want. We need to behave socially in order to develop a more just society. ”

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