The Higher Council of Communication (CSC) organized a blood donation for the National Blood Transfusion Center (CNTS) on Wednesday, August 21, 2024. All staff responded to this life-saving gesture.
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“For me, giving blood is a patriotic act.”said Abdoul Karim Banao, representing the president of the Higher Council of Communication (CSC). For him, it is a patriotic duty to give blood “especially in these precise moments of security crisis, malaria, dengue fever and many other diseases.”
CSC workers mobilized to donate blood
He also asked all Burkinabe who can to donate blood to relieve the sick who are in need. The president of the SOS Blood Association, Jean-Bosco Zoundi, who is coordinating this blood donation, said he is expecting around fifty bags of blood from the CSC.
He recalled that this blood collection activity at the CSC is in line with their routine activities during this malaria period. An activity that his association carries out in partnership with its technical partner which is the National Blood Transfusion Center (CNTS).
Jean-Bosco Zoundi, president of the SOS Blood association
Their current targets for blood collection, he stressed, are institutions. “It must be remembered that during this period, the major donors who are the students are on vacation. This is what leads us to go to the various private and public structures, markets and Yaars to solicit the valiant populations to give their blood in order to compensate for the lack of blood,” he noted.
According to him, the need for blood in the city of Ouagadougou alone is 200 to 250 blood bags per day. A figure that according to him has increased because of the increase in the number of children aged zero to five years old affected by malaria, the number of dialysis patients and also the insecurity that has been imposed on us.
He concluded by warning that no one is immune to the need for blood. He therefore invited all those who can follow in the footsteps of the CSC to do so for the well-being of all.
Read also 👉Blood donation: Mobilization at the Superior Council of Communication (CSC)!
Burkina 24
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