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Csáková is furious: A disgrace in front of the whole nation!

The reason for the sudden decision of the organizers is the singer ‘s recent announcement of her candidacy for the Chamber of Deputies for Free block. “Thank you, ma’am Ilona Csáková for his willingness to perform at the Benefit Concert in support of the victims of the devastating tornado. Unfortunately, due to the announced candidacy of Ilona Csáková for the parliamentary elections, her speech at this apolitical event cannot take place, “was the explanation of the Municipal Cultural Center in Kyjov.

However, this greatly outraged Csáková. There was a conflict on both sides, in which both the organizers and the singer use the same argument, only from the opposite end. Everyone perceives the event as apolitical, which was supposed to be the reason for the singer’s (non) participation. “I just wanted to sing and thus help, obviously and apparently it is not an apolitical event,” the singer told the Super.cz website.

Ilona Csáková sings at an anti-government demonstration on Wenceslas Square

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And the opinion of the other party? Exactly the same! “It is an apolitical event, we do not have a single problem with Mrs. Csáková, but because a few days ago she announced her candidacy for the Chamber of Deputies for the South Moravian Region, we said to ourselves that unfortunately we will have to reject her offer because we are really doing it as an apolitical event.” Ladislav Pavluš, director of the Kyjov Municipal Cultural Center, explained to the above-mentioned website.

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