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Cruz-Coke raised the need for “a plan B” for the plebiscite

Deputy Luciano Cruz-Coke, head of the Evópoli bench, was “concerned” about the problem that would be generated if there is a low participation in the constitutional referendum on October 25 due to the coronavirus pandemic, and raised the need to “a plan B”.

“I am not about to postpone the Plebiscite, under any point of view, administratively, but this has to be a political agreement“, said this Tuesday the parliamentarian, one of the voices of the” Rejection “option, in an interview with The Cooperative Diary.

“Here I have the impression that the emperor goes without clothes, but nobody wants to point the finger at him“, said the former minister.

Cruz-Coke stated that “looking at the comparative experience, with countries that have a certain civic attitude superior to ours, such as South Korea or Germany, that have had important outbreaks; that when we still have no certainty about how people will vote with Covid; and that with the understanding that part of the population at risk, which is the one that votes the most, such as the elderly, will probably be very careful about going to vote, what I’m afraid of is that we don’t have a plan B. “

“I wish I could vote a higher percentage than in the last presidential election, because it is a constituent process. Precisely, the starting point it must have a lot of participation so that it is not pointed out that, eventually, it may have a problem of origin “, the legislator maintained.

In that sense, he asserted that “the same people who are for the ‘I approve’ they seem not to observe the possibilities that, if very few people go to vote, then the whole process will be put on edge which begins on October 25, as long as its legitimacy is questioned. “

“Who says that all the indicators improve and the process can be carried out, with everyone voting and it works fantastic, but 70 days before the Plebiscite and seeing the comparative experience and the conditions that exist today, the chances of at least more people participating than in the last election are remote“Cruz-Coke emphasized.

“The Plebiscite goes, and it goes in October”

From the opposition, the deputy and helmsman of the Democratic Revolution, Catalina Perez, accused that Cruz-Coke’s approach is only an excuse of those who oppose a new Constitution.

“I believe that Chile Vamos does not find formulas to save furniture, to continue defending this model that, clearly, is no more, “said the Frente Amplio legislator, in favor of” Approve. “

“The Plebiscite goes, and it goes in October, and the responsibility of the Government, beyond the fact that this is the Government of the ‘Rejection’, is to guarantee the sanitary conditions to, administratively, carry out this procedure as appropriate, but democracy cannot be suspended, “Pérez remarked.

How will Covid-19 patients vote?

Less than 70 days before the October Plebiscite, there is also no response that protects the health of all voters and guarantees the right to vote in a pandemic.

For the deputy Leonardo Soto (PS), el Bill that grants greater powers to the Electoral Service (Servel) facing the referendum has “bad color, because It seems that it will not be able to guarantee a one hundred percent sure Plebiscite. “

“It seems to me that the Servel and the Government are not doing their job well in order to guarantee that there is a safe and participatory Plebiscite. They have left a big question in the air, unsolved: Will the thousands of people who will be Covid-active be able to vote or not for the date of the Plebiscite?“, said the opposition parliamentarian.

“According to the Constitution, and they said so themselves, these people have the right to vote,” he said.

In addition, the decision of President Sebastián Piñera on whether or not to extend the State of Constitutional Exception due to Catastrophe, which was extended in mid June until September 14.

“Obviously this is a faculty of the President. It is about to end and its continuity is being evaluated,” said the minister. Christian Monckeberg, of the Segpres, guaranteeing that the President “will have all the antecedents at hand to be able to make the correct decision.”

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