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Crushing for SAS if there is no agreement – VG

STRIKE: SAS planes are parked at Oslo Airport as a result of the SAS pilots’ strike.

No agreement in the SAS negotiations will be devastating for SAS, according to the aircraft analyst, who believes in an agreement on Monday.


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– If not, it will be devastating for SAS, which will then have to turn to Plan C or Plan D. Then you will most likely have to sell off assets to get the necessary financing for the Chapter 11 process and SAS Forward, says Sydbank analyst Jacob Pedersen to Today’s business.

SAS’s chief negotiator Marianne Hernæs said before the start of negotiations that the company will probably finish the negotiations if no agreement is reached on Monday.

– It sounds as if this is a way to put pressure on the pilots, and to accelerate, Pedersen says.

There will be a solution on Monday, he thinks.

– I would be very surprised if they went home to sleep again. I think today is the day, whether it takes three or 30 more hours, then I think it is very likely that they will continue now until they find a solution, he says.

When asked what kind of financing SAS may receive from potential new investors or lenders, the analyst is in no doubt.

– There will be something that is without interest. SAS needs the money.

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