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Crowded city centers on the first real night out: ‘It’s great that the weather is allowed’

With a corona ticket and an entrance ticket in a long queue at the entrance. That image was seen in all kinds of places last night, everywhere where people flocked to the nightlife now that it is allowed again for clubs and discos to open their doors.

For example, it was very busy on the Korte Heuvel in Tilburg and people were queuing to enter the pub, writes Broadcasting Brabant. According to police, a popular cafe in that city became so crowded that officers had to intervene when there was a crowd in the queue and people were squeezed. Some people became unwell.

“The doormen have tried to regulate the crowds and to let people keep a little more distance,” said a police spokesman. “When this failed, the cafe was briefly locked to indicate that no more people could enter. When the weather had calmed down and people had dispersed, the doors could open again.”

It was also busy in Breda last night and there was applause when the clubs opened. According to the police spokesperson, it was very busy early in Breda and Tilburg. “What was striking was that many young people were drunk early, probably because they were finally able to go back,” said the spokesperson. Despite the crowds, it never got out of hand. “Apart from a few minor incidents, such as urinating in public and insulting officers, there were no details.”

As in the old days

The clubs in Gouda also reopened and cafes were allowed to stay open longer. Pub owner Lizette Oudijk is emotional about it: “I just think it’s great that it’s allowed again, seeing all those people again, cuddling, partying,” she told Broadcasting West. “You get your life back.”

It was a bit of a puzzle for Oudijk, but in the end she chose to work with access tests. “It’s difficult,” she says. “We have to scan at the door to see if you have been vaccinated or tested. Then you can go in. But then you can also go completely crazy as you are used to. And I don’t have to play a police officer.”

Most guests react positively. “I think it’s nice and safe. I’ve been vaccinated myself, it’s well organized here. This way I dare to drink a drink with peace of mind,” says a woman at the bar. Someone is dancing a few meters away. “It’s great, as usual, really great. I have no problem with the rules. It’s actually only better, because you have to be careful.”

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